
Stroke Survivor - female
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Posts posted by stessie

  1. Mary


    I'm glad you posted. Welcome to Stroke Net!


    You've gotten some great responses and I'll just add that time does have a way of pushing the negative thoughts away. But, I do understand the tremors and spasms are real and there are on and off days. Please know we are here for you and together we can walk this stroke recovery journey.


    Come back often and, once again, welcome!



  2. Allan

    All of your postings inspire me. Your words and encouragement come straight from the heart. One of the things about growing more mature is that we have experienced so much in life and are able to give back. Your words are of experience and part of life's journey. You have a gift in verbalizing in a pleasant and meaningful manner to others.


    Who would have thought that by surviving stroke that we would know of other stroke survivors in other parts of the world. When I think of Australia, Allan immediately comes to mind. I saw the movie just recently and I thought of you right away. BTW, although I have never been to Australia, it appears to be a beautiful country indeed.


    Keep on doing what you are doing, mate.



  3. Welcome

    We are so happy you found us. BTW, what part of Ohio do you reside in? I'm from Cincy.


    Mood changes are normal. And, your balance issues can improve, especially as though it sounds like you enjoy the water. I, too, have balance issues along with a left leg limp. Those balance issues can strike at any time especially when you least suspect.


    Look forward to your posts, and once again, welcome.





  4. Ann

    My thoughts are with you. This past evening I was at my 86 year old mother-in-law's house. She was telling me how bad she felt and that nothing seems to work. Of course, she sits in a chair all day long and watches CNN non-stop. She has never tried a Senior Citizens group or even tried to connect with others. For the first time since my stroke in April of '07, I told her that I, too, was in pain. She told me she didn't think my stroke had done anything other than to make me lose my balance and limp. She was amazed that I had any other deficits because I am so "positive" all the time. I told her I practice the motto than any additional day above ground is one more good day for me. I almost felt better after telling her each day can be a struggle for me, too.



    Please hang in there and let us know how your doctor's appt. goes. Happy New Year and my best to you in '09.



  5. We are glad you found Stroke Net. I went back and read your original post. You have come a long way, Karen. You should be very proud. It can indeed be lonely right after you get home from a stroke. It's almost as though everyone thinks now that you are home, all is okay. This is not the case when you are new to your situation and trying to get around the house. Plus, I recall what an ordeal it was to take a shower. I had trouble washing my hair and was reluctant to ask for help so I spent way too much time in the shower trying to get shampoo out.


    When you have time and feel like it, please tell us more about your situation. We are here to listen.



  6. Dianne D., so good to hear from you. Your comments echo that of many in my stroke survivor group. I am meeting with a hospital representative on Friday here to see if we can't follow up with survivors who are recently discharged to let them know about our stroke survivor support group. I think it could help many. A person who has experienced what they are going through can help.


    Your Arizona weather sounds good to me today. It's snowing, cold and blustery here in Ohio.



  7. Right before I went on vacation I attended our monthly stroke survivor support group meeting. The topic was about being lonely right after your stroke. I listened as many told about not having anyone to talk with, not having visitors, and etc. The first six months are tough and many felt they were thrown to the wolves after support at rehab and then virtually no support system once they got home. How was it for you?

  8. Louis


    Oh, how we can relate. I stroked in April of '07 at the age of 57. I was in the hospital for over a month and then through much rehab. One of my difficulties, too, has been sleep. I got my days and nights mixed up and it has been hard. I do work in the yard a great deal and get tired but it doesn't make me sleep any better.


    Balance is a worry. I have sprained my affected ankle four times during the past year falling. I do water therapy and also exercises but I still limp and each of my falls has resulted in a sprained ankle.


    We are here for you, my friend. We understand. We know what you are going through. And, most importantly, we relate and care.


    My best to you.





  9. Caged Bird

    Good post. I honestly believe I will improve. There's no fluff to that statement. I work every day toward improvement with exercise and being as optimistic as possible. If I think for a moment that I can't do something, it makes me even more determined to try to do it. I have been trying to walk heel to toe for the past month and a neighbor commented to me in our driveway tonight without solicitation that she was noticing some improvement in my gait. I was thrilled! This same neighbor has seen me walking up and down our street for the past year struggling to improve.



    Great post. It's refreshing to read your feedback. You seem determined and brave. Look forward to your future posts.



  10. You make jewelry, too?? Actually this hobby is what got me inspired last year. I stroked in April and then in October I reconnected with my jewelry making hobby (I love fine jewelry). It wasn't pretty at first with my left hand shaking but I was very, very determined. I made one necklace in the time it used to take me to make five but I did it! I haven't done too much this year as I've been involved in other things but it's a very creative hobby. My favorite is making lariats out of sworovski crystals.


    You can become inspired me.

