
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. Thoughts and prayers coming from my way. My mother-in-law who is 87 and recuperating from a broken hip five weeks ago still will not/cannot walk. She is fiesty and I feel she may just be giving up. It is always sad as you indicate. I know you hear this alot...but please try to take care of yourself, too. You have way too much on your plate at this time.
  2. Gardening is one of my passions. It is amazing what you get in return for planting flowers...watering them...watching them grow...enjoying their beauty. I can imagine your butterfly garden will be spectacular!
  3. Truly a blog from the heart! Thank you for sharing. You have worked very hard to get to where you are today and you are encouragement to me. I plan on adding more walking to my exercise as I need to increase my stamina.
  4. Stu, What a wonderful blog! It is not easy to lose weight and I am proud of both you and Kath. The hard work you are putting into it is showing in everything you do. Here's to many more anniversaries (and birthdays, too.)
  5. stessie

    I'm driving

    Bob, wonderful news! I went back and read your earlier post and note that you stroked in April of this year. You have come a long way, my friend. I know it hasn't been easy and the days are challenging, but it is quite an accomplishment to pass your driver's test. I can imagine your wife is thrilled, too. You mentioned finding another career. Have you been looking into this, too? Good luck and enjoy your new days "on the road" again. Stessie
  6. Your new home sounds inspirational. One of the great things is getting involved and that makes a huge difference in your day to day life. I admire you for walking the mile plus track. This will improve your stamina and get your gait going. I have learned that I have to push myself when walking for long periods but it helps me in the long run. I, too, hope you will be able to rid yourself of the cane. I would enjoy seeing pics of your new building. It sounds like it has a very inviting environment.
  7. stessie

    Got me a cane

    Yes, a cane can help. Before I was able to walk unassisted, it helped me get out and about after being home for 9 months. When you first start using one, it is a little wierd. It's a little harder than it really looks, isn't it? We are anxious to see your pics.
  8. I hope your family enjoys this special day. We would love to see pics!
  9. stessie


    Karen, I like your idea of planting a willow tree. We will celebrate our 40th in November and time is not on our side in a tree growing. I have a yard full of perennials and with all of the rain we have received in Ohio to date, they are growing beautifully. Enjoy the willow tree for many more anniversaries!
  10. Are you moving to Colorado? It is a beautiful state. Enjoy your time and remember to take some pics for us!
  11. Hi, Donna I like your new profile photo! Enjoy your week! I recall when our youngest graduated from high school and the summer that followed. Ouch! She thought there were no longer rules as she was out of school. We put a damper on that by the second week. The good news today is that our 26 year old is a loving, attentive daughter. So, there's hope! Take some to savor your independence and get out as much as you are able. You have so much to offer. Funny, we were with some friends on Memorial Day weekend at a camp site. They were camping and we went up for cookout and to enjoy the camp fire. One of the older guys had had a heart attack about six months earlier and was concerned about falling on his way back to his camper (or should I say RV). He wore one of those hats with a really did seem to help. I'm off now to watch the little grandson. Have a great week, Donna. Stessie
  12. Leah, I'm so glad you enjoyed your vacation and the location. During the past several months, we have rid our house of a lot of "stuff." When I was younger, I liked lots of stuff. Now I kind of enjoy the minimal look. I tell our daughters that at least they won't have to dispose of it when we are no longer here as the work is already done. It was hard doing it at first, but then I thought "what the heck." Something that has helped me to live in the present is volunteering. I know it's not for everyone but when I visit with the MakeAWish children, I am grateful I have lived as many years as I have with the majority in good health. Some of these kids have lived in a hospital as much as they have lived at home. I share this only as an inspiration for what has truly helped me post-stroke. Great new profile photo, Leah. You look beautiful!
  13. Katrina And you just made one more person made me even happier because you are happy. What a great birthday this year! Even the simplest gesture such as cards and balloons can do so much for raising one's spirit. You have both inner and outter beauty, and who cares if the wind is blowing in your makes you just that much more beautiful. I can only imagine what this next year holds in store for you. Just hang in there and enjoy! Stessie
  14. Karen, congratulations! We will be coming up right behind you this year when we celebrate 40 the latter part of November. We definitely have something in common in that we both were married in '69. I'm like can it be???? I didn't realize until Sue mentioned it that it is a ruby milestone. I will have to keep that in mind. Enjoy your special day!
  15. stessie

    my vacation

    Kimmie, whoohoo...each of those five days will bring new joy and discovery for you with Jake. I am so happy you are going to visit and that your son will be with you. I am glad you will be able to visit with your sister, too. Enjoy this special time and when you get back, load up the pictures for us. I am just so excited for you about this trip!
  16. Butch, I don't know you so went back and read through your threads. I've been on Stroke Net for almost two years now. Care giving has got to be difficult. I read Sue's blogs and Ann Rogers' blogs and know there are no easy days. Obviously, you have given it a great deal of thought. I wish you well in whatever decision you ultimately decide on. You have hung in there. Stessie
  17. Fred, A different life is of rest and not answering a time schedule. You more than deserve it after 50 years. We may be in Houston in late fall visiting some friends. If we do, you can be sure I will let you know in advance as I would love to meet up with you. I'll be with my oldest daughter and her family. Enjoy sleeping late some days; staying up late at night; eating ice cream whenever you want; and just enjoying life. Stessie
  18. stessie

    I am so excited

    Diana, Enjoy your trip and the beautiful scenery. Share pics with us if you can. Drive safely.
  19. Diana, Isn't it welcoming to receive positive medical news??? Congratulations. Stessie
  20. Sue, talk about reconnecting with friends...I had lunch today with two former high school classmates I had not seen in 40 years. We reconnected on Facebook. One lives in California and the other in the upper part of Ohio. The California lady had a granddaughter who graduated from high school in Indy yesterday and was on her way today to visit relatives in Cincy. The other individual who is a guy brought along his wife. What fun! I was a little concerned about them seeing me possibly walking like a drunken sailor but then thought, what the heck! Fortunately, the weather is very warm and my leg cooperated today, This was after the leg and I had a good talk while I was driving to the restaurant. I asked my leg to please not fall down or let me My left leg agreed to cooperate and carried me through. I find myself more and more making reconnections with the past. I know that when you go back to where you came from, you find what motivated you. I am feeling good about reconnections. Our Cousins' Reunion two weekends ago was another positive reconnection. While reconnecting, I am not forgetting my current life. I try to make new acquaintances now in my volunteer work. It is happening. I love your postings as they display your courage and thirst for continuing to live a good life.
  21. Diana, What a welcome surprise! I, too, have an Amy and she is our youngest. I am so happy for you that she dropped by today. It can really lift your spirits up!
  22. stessie

    First entry

    Hi, Diana Good to hear from you again. I believe you will find blogging to be therapeutic. Hope you and your new hubby are doing well. Now that he is retired you will have some company during the day. Look forward to your next blog.
  23. This is probably one of the best written documentations of after stroke connect I have ever read. Thank you for sharing this. I watch our almost 11 month old grandson twice a week. I have watched how he has never given up in his quest to pull himself up, learn to crawl, learn to walk, and figure out things. This has helped so much with my recovery as I know I need to do the same thing in walking with my affected left leg. He takes a nap usually around 11 am so I use this time to walk up and down the steps (frontward and backward) for around 45 minutes. I keep saying to myself you can do it and I have noticed a huge improvement...and all of this motivated by an almost 11 month old.
  24. stessie

    Vacation 2009

    Enjoying the photos. There's nothing like the ocean, warm sand, and a beautiful blue sky.... I am so happy you and Deb had such a fun and relaxing time. It is good to be away from home for awhile to clear the mind and enjoy the warmth and beauty of a different environment. We have never done an all inclusive resort trip such as Sandals. Would you recommend it based on this experience? Thanks for sharing and look forward to more of your vacation photos. Glad your mom and sister and brother-in-law visited with you. What a great several weeks you have had!
  25. Hi, Sue Great to have you home again safe and sound. It sounds like you had a very busy trip. It is amazing what we learn from little ones. I watched our grandson on Tuesday and he kept waving to me all day (he is 10 plus months). It makes my heart smelt and I am so fortunate to be able to help care fo him several days a week. This is one thing stroke did for me or else I would still be working and missing out on special time with him.