
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. stessie

    Time Slips Away

    Naomi, I had a tear in my eye after reading your post (and it was a "positive" tear). I read it once and then reread it again slowly. Life is precious and it is amazing how strong we can become after an illness, death of a loved one, and etc. I like how you expressed it. I am so happy you were able to spend time with Wes & Debbie. I have missed reading his posts but know that when he does post it will bring a smile to my face. He must have inherited a bit of his written expression from his mom. I'm an Ohio neighbor and understand about your ice storm. It was definitely a freaky period.
  2. Good post. I'm like both of you as I wore a sports bra and a front closure bra the first year. I had too much difficulty with a back closure. It was very frustrating. I returned to a back closure bra my second year. And, you are so....right, there is nothing like a good fitting bra!
  3. It sounds like continued progress with your exercise program. You go! The house in VA sounds wonderful. And, to boot, a great value. What a day in giving blood. I am glad you are feeling better. Have a great holiday weekend.
  4. stessie

    My Loss and My Gain

    Fred Thanks for the update. I had been wondering how things were really going. It is good to know what exactly has happened and where you take it from here. It sounds like you have been blessed with an excellent physician and one who cares. You are in my continued thoughts, friend.
  5. I'm there with you re the foot drop. Maybe one of these days....
  6. Donna, you are on the adventure of a lifetime. This is only the beginning of your new independence. Enjoy your second outing later today. Isn't it amazing what getting out and being in sunshine can do for one's soul? Not only that, but your independence.
  7. stessie

    Life goes on

    Donna, I wish we lived closer and I'd do your makeup to go with the new "do." For whatever reason, I've had a life long interest in makeup and became certified by most of the major lines (Aveda, Estee Lauder, Lancome, and etc.) about 10 years ago. Unfortunately, I passed this hobby along to both of my daughters. Love your new blog. I get the feeling you are gearing up for when Kristi goes away to school. Hopefully, you can qualify for the Walkaide and your insurance will cover it. This will make a huge difference in your life. My thoughts are with you and Kristi. Recognition of an issue and doing something about it is a huge step. Donna, you are so beloved by many on Stroke Net. You always offer the right words and respond in a timely fashion. One of these days (and hopefully sooner than later) you will meet someone who shares the values. Why do I have a feeling the new color and highlight is only the beginning.....
  8. stessie

    Off on Vacation

    Have a wonderful time! We'll look forward to your next blog when you return.
  9. Fred How enjoyable! I can imagine your grandaughter's enthsiasm when the plants began sticking their necks out of the dirt. She will remember always working with grandpa to "grow a garden." Stessie
  10. stessie

    My First Blog

    Welcome to blogging! You'll do great. Looks like you have been driving for almost a year now. That's wonderful! I stroked in April of '07 and didn't drive for about 9 months. Now I'm out and about as much as possible. Look forward to your future blogs.
  11. Enjoy it! Dick's interest on the computer is wonderful. I am praying it lasts for a considerable amount of time. Yes, there really are miracles.
  12. Vacation, here comes Wesley! You are on the down side until this upcoming event. I would like to say, "hang in there, it can't get any worse," but I know that it can. Hope Deb has a great mother's day and your mom, too.
  13. Two for planting the flowers and the second for learning how to post photos. We are the winners for #2 as we get to enjoy the beauty of your work. If you can, please post another photo of these in several weeks so we can see them sprouting. Looks like you had a great and rewarding time!
  14. stessie

    Just a quick update

    Wonderful news about the weight loss. A good massage may help your back.
  15. Motivating! Thanks for sharing.
  16. stessie


    I sm proud of your accomplishment in the grocery store. I had the same feeling when I was able to get up from the toilet without pushing off. I strutted out of the bathroom like a proud peacock...of course, only another stroke survivor would understand how exciting this really is. My daughter didn't really understand. Harley days! My husband owns and rides a motorcycle. He is a banker so it doesn't quite fit his image either but he loves it. I think it's the freedom of the wind and etc. Hope you have a good week. The first year of my stroke I used to take a sleeping pill on Friday nights, too, so I could sleep late on Saturday. It worked. Today I sleep well and no longer need. Really enjoy your postings.
  17. Jan, I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. Your comment about Brain Stem House arrest made me smile. Stroke survivors can relate to that. I am excited you will be getting out more and more with your new power chair. I hope it doesn't rain today in your part of the country so you can use it while they are still there. It sounds like you are becoming more and more independent, too. I am trying to do this more, too. My husband was gone the week before on a business trip and then last week on his annual golf trip. I kind of enjoyed being by myself for those days and being independent. Life is busy for you. You are in my prayers.
  18. Your garden sounds wonderful! Isn't this time of year just the best??? The beauty of Spring is that it can also be a time of renewal for us, too. The vacation spot sounds great. I hope you are able to go. The swine flu is a big concern worldwide.
  19. Oops...I almost forgot. Good for you to begin blogging. You will enjoy it.
  20. Wow, Karen! Unfortunately, there are evil and uncaring people in this world who are miserable and make the lives of others miserable. You are doing the right thing about not allowing his negativity to affect you. You have a choice. You made a choice. You made the right choice to walk away from this individual. Please do not feel alone as you are among caring individuals here at Stroke Net. We know you had a stroke. We understand and care. Hope your new week is much better.
  21. And, you will be even happier when the blooms begin! Flowers can provide pride, tranquility and beauty.
  22. stessie

    Not feeling well

    Hope things pick up for you and that you get to feeling better.
  23. Wesley, I always look for and enjoy your posts. Jamaica is beautiful! I've been there several times. The greenery and plants are gorgeous. I am happy your family will be out to see you in May. How nice it will be to catch up in person.
  24. Sounds like a great "planting" weekend. I, too, plant a lot of perennials. I love how they come up each year. I add more to my flower beds each year and that's the fun of it. You'll really enjoy it even more in a month or so when the blooming begins.
  25. stessie

    long time no blog

    Clark What a nice tribute to your friend, Hans. I enjoyed your post and really didn't know much about you. I went back and read your posts. I think we are about the same age so I could relate to much of what you have written. Nice getting to know you. Look forward to your future blogs.