
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. Sue You have made a decision that will help you as you help Ray. Your world will be enlightened and your focus will shift somewhat. I get the feeling you are thinking of life whenever the caregiver role becomes too much and thinking of how you wish to spend your remaining days on earth. Go for it as you are doing!
  2. Hey, Wesley, I always look forward to your posts. Ouch! How inconsiderate of your co-workers. At least you know in your heart that your effort was sincere. Love the tatoo! Hopefully, this will be the only stroke reminder tatoo you ever need. We don't want a second! Hope the rest of your week goes well. The admin in your department is fortunate to have you as one of her supervisors. Stessie
  3. You are motivating me even more. I know it is tiring but you know what you have left and what you can do. I admire you for doing this. I'm envious as I wish I was there trying to do the same thing. Really enjoying your posts.
  4. Janine, so good to hear from you. I remember when you first began posting and the early days of Larry's stroke. The first year is definitely a milestone and you are on the other side. Larry sounds as though he has settled into a comfortable routine and one that works for him. Do you still have your helper that came on board after his stroke to help? She sounded like such a godsend. Please check in whenever you are able. It's nice to get an update.
  5. Enjoy your upates. Keep us posted.
  6. Please keep us posted. I am interested in your results. What a great opportunity!
  7. Bart, I wondered what had happened to you. I am sorry your wife left you. Are you still in touch with your children? I sure do hope social security comes through for you. We are pulling for you! Please keep us posted. We care. Stessie
  8. stessie

    Still bouncing

    Hey, Phil, thank you for posting.
  9. stessie

    Hey, There!

    Hey, Wesley I really enjoy your blogs. You have a gift for expressing things in a very natural and understandable manner. Good for you! You have made so much progress in 8 months. And, there is so much more to come although it may slow down a bit. My younger daughter has a tatoo she got in Cancun while on vacation one year. Tatoos can express your individuality. We would love to see your new one. My best to you. Stessie
  10. I really enjoyed your posting. What an adventuresome weekend day!
  11. Leah We are proud of you for your recent accomplishment. Yes, spring is here. I am very much into flowers and yard work. When I see the flowers coming up, it gives me inspiration and hope. If they can come up in what is sometimes terrible conditions, I know I can improve, too. I use a little flower cart to sit on when I am planting as I, too, have difficulty getting up. One of my friends suggested this and it has worked out well. I no longer have to ask my husband to help me as I did before in planting. Pick out some beautiful flowers!
  12. Mary I'm glad you posted. Welcome to Stroke Net! You've gotten some great responses and I'll just add that time does have a way of pushing the negative thoughts away. But, I do understand the tremors and spasms are real and there are on and off days. Please know we are here for you and together we can walk this stroke recovery journey. Come back often and, once again, welcome! Stessie
  13. Let us know how the mine trip goes. I'm like Deb as it sounds like fun! Never thought about the outside telling how one is...I always thought the inside of their vehicle told a lot about them. I absolutely enjoy yard work and take pride in our yard. Have a good weekend.
  14. stessie

    I'm feeling better

    Carla, I am glad things are improving.
  15. stessie

    I'm feeling better

    Bonnie, you are right about the first yellow flowers in Ohio for Spring and they are absolutely beautiful right now!
  16. A garden brings joy. I am glad Carl has someone helping him. We are having rain here in Ohio today and I know this will help our plants tomorrow when the sun comes out. I have tons of new flowers peeping their heads up in the ground.
  17. My friend, I understand. Please post as you can and when you have something to share and we will be here. You are right in that stroke does change us. We learn much through this process and the majority come out even stronger in many different way. Keep on enjoying San Diego, one of the most beautiful cities in the USA!
  18. I really enjoyed your blog. It sounds as though you have reached the acceptance of stroke period and are continuing on with life. I actually feel that stroke brings out an inner peace and changes the way we see/adapt to the life we have remaining. We choose how we want to live the remainder of life.
  19. Wesley What a great feeling it must have been driving to work and even taking the interstate! I am a Van Morrison fan and I can remember my first time driving after stroke and the awesome feeling..there was good music, great weather, my warbled singing, and a total feeling of independence. You will find as you return more and more to your pre-stroke life that you will communicate here less. That's okay as it is a part of returning to some sense of normalcy. While you were home, it was easy and comfortable to think of stroke almost constantly. Once you get back out, you are involved in other activities. It's normal and this alone shows how much you are progressing. Keep on doing what you are doing as it is working.
  20. Fred, Thank you for sharing. I read it twice slowly so it would sink in. How true it is! Hey, how did it go on the job when you went back this past weekend?
  21. You'll be amazed when you hit the one year'll realize you are not so tired all the time. I had incredible energy prior to my stroke and I'm almost at the two-year mark. I can honestly say I'm back to about 85 percent which makes me happy (and proud).
  22. Will look forward to your blog tomorrow.