
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. Yes, I do remember those days. My mom passed away ten years ago this past February and today is her birth date. Your blog made me realize how much she imparted onto us as children. She did have a family Bible as did her Mom.
  2. Congratulations, Grandma! It is the most wonderful feeling to hold your first grandchild. I pray Riley comes home soon and safe. Stessie
  3. stessie

    The Real

    I echo your comments regarding Jan's first walk on pavement in five years. What an accomplishment (and a lot of guts)!
  4. Jan You were brave and followed your heart by taking those big steps outside. I won't say I can only imagine how good you felt...I know how good it made you feel as a stroke survivor. I remember my first trip out was to the library. We were having heat alerts in Ohio and people without air conditioning were directed to libraries and etc. I walked in and half of those folks had their heads on the tables taking a nap in the cool air conditioning. I staggered over to an empty table and heads popped up. I had so many offers to help get me books and I know God was with me that day. I enjoyed the socializing which I desperately needed at the time more than the selection of books. The powers that be work in mysterious ways. I hope you are able to get out more and walk with Wayne & Harley. The fresh air and feeling of indepdence will help. Hey, how is the Nutri System working? How long have you been using this? Keep on enjoying the beautiful weather. It was 74 degrees in Cincy yesterday and absolutely a vibrant day.
  5. stessie

    Promises Kept

    Wesley I am happy you are back to riding again. It's another executed goal in your path to recovery. Enjoy your Sunday & Monday at home with Deb. Stessie
  6. Fred You have the wonderful gift of expressing yourself so well in written form. I am hoping maybe you have reached a temporary plateau. Going back to work next week...I am sure the folks at Walmart are happy to see you return. It is my hope it all works out well. Stessie
  7. It sounds as though Spring is just around the corner in Atlanta! We had our warmest day year to date yesterday and I heard birds chirping. We also have flowers beginning to peep in the ground. What a wonderful time of year! You are doing well with your walking. Keep on pushing yourself as it does help. Your fourth year anniversary is coming up...congratulations!
  8. stessie

    All is Well

    Wesley You will find life becoming more routine and normal as the year goes by. I am coming up on my 2nd anniversary next month and there are days now when stroke no longer consumes me. My life is much different than pre-stroke by not working, but I am involved and busy once again with other new ventures. I love volunteering and caring for our grandson. Hope the weather holds out for your four day weekend and you and Deb have a relaxing, peaceful several days off. Stessie
  9. stessie

    black cloud again

    Kimmie You certainly continue to have more than your fair share of woes. I hope this new week is better for you. You are in my thoughts, friend. Stessie
  10. Naomi, Welcome! We are neighbors by way of Kentucky & Ohio. What a great first post and nice introduction. Stroke has certainly been present in the life of your family. You mentioned your brother had a stroke and there are no noticeable deficits. If I may, what type of stroke did he have? I am always curious about these stroke survivors. Keep on blogging! Stessie
  11. Jan, thanks for opening and sharing your heart. It's not been easy for you recently and hopefully, the start of this new week will bring happier and calmer days. I am sooooo proud of your accomplishment in getting into the shower....not only can you do it, you are doing it! Stessie
  12. I am so goal focused and reading your blog inspires me, too. Stessie
  13. stessie

    my engagement part 2

    mc, We are happy for you! I fortunately never experienced this with my parents, but my husband's mother has gotten very negative in her advancing years. We still try to see her several times a week and I just try to tune the negativity out and remember when she wasn't that way. Keep us posted on your plans. That was a very nice offer from Ann in Kentucky for your flowers. Stessie
  14. stessie

    I did it!

    I'm proud of you. Way to go, Donna.
  15. stessie

    I am engaged

    Congratulations! This will go down as your most favorite Valentine's Day. Stessie
  16. Fred I will definitely read through it this week. The current economy is one that I have never experienced in my life time. My husband has been doing mortgages for a national bank for many, many years. He has always refused to do the Option 4 loans which got so many folks in trouble. I do believe that Option 4, interest only, and etc. were loans that many people should definitely not have done. These loans and subprime loans are what started the whole downward spiral. He is still doing mortgage loans today and busy due to referrals, refis, and especially first-time home buyers. If he hadn't been honest and really explained terms to buyers, I don't think he would have a job in today's market. While I may not agree with all of the things in the stimulus bill, I know that something had to be done to get the economy moving again. If I understand it correctly from my end, I will see a $300 lump sum payment. There are so many folks out of work right now. I have a brother-in-law who lost his job six months ago after being with a company for 25 years, Stessie
  17. stessie


    Thanks for sharing, Fred. I enjoyed it. Stessie
  18. Jan, What a day! I know how you must have been looking forward to getting out, enjoying some fresh air, and getting some errands done. Hopefully the next trip out will be better. I am glad you were able to get your hair and nails done as that usually makes one feel better. I understand about your stylist. The individual I go to is like a family friend, too. He is phenomenal with hair. Stessie
  19. Wesley No. 17 hit me. With your permission, I think I'll start using this daily for myself. Both you and Deb are fortunate to have found one another. How did you meet? It's such a love story we'd enjoy having you share with fellow survivors and caregivers. Stessie
  20. stessie

    I've given in

    Kathy By golly you are not giving in, you are just working with the body/mind you have post-stroke. I admire you for recognizing you don't need the additional stress and are now doing it on your terms. If you decide to make changes in your new schedule, that's fine, too. I think we as baby boomers put a great deal of unnecessary stress on ourselves into buying into that we could have and do it all. I kind of like the new me post-stroke. When I hear friends talking about layouts and plants closing, I am thankful I no longer need to worry about this. That's one thing stroke has given me. I also know I have fewer tomorrows than I have yesterdays and only I know what it is I want to accomplish before I enter eternal rest.
  21. While I was in the hospital for a month recuperating, I thought I was a stroke victim. After I was out and about, I knew for certain I was (and continue to be) a stroke survivor. I'm like Fred...was it a good article? Stessie
  22. stessie

    Moving Forward

    Wesley When you are busy, there's less time to think about how stroke has affected us. I keep busy and feel this has contributed to my recovery, too. We adapt and make some changes, and thankfully life goes on. Stessie
  23. I echo Sue's comments. Your parents raised a fine individual. Thanks for sharing. Stessie
  24. Allan All of your postings inspire me. Your words and encouragement come straight from the heart. One of the things about growing more mature is that we have experienced so much in life and are able to give back. Your words are of experience and part of life's journey. You have a gift in verbalizing in a pleasant and meaningful manner to others. Who would have thought that by surviving stroke that we would know of other stroke survivors in other parts of the world. When I think of Australia, Allan immediately comes to mind. I saw the movie just recently and I thought of you right away. BTW, although I have never been to Australia, it appears to be a beautiful country indeed. Keep on doing what you are doing, mate. Stessied
  25. One more thing...I neglected to say Happy Birthday!