
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. Wesley It is so encouraging when a stroke survivor returns to work. There have to be some daily challenges but these are certain to dissipate as time goes by. BTW, you have superb writing skills in expressing yourself. I look forward to your blogs and humor.
  2. Routine is good! I believe getting back will help you in your recovery, too. Before returning to work, so much of your time has to be worrying about whether you will be able to successfully return full-time and how it will all work out. It sounds as though it will work out. Hey, we may be able to grill hamburgers in Ohio this should get up to 55 degrees and the snow will be melting. Your comment about grilling out the other day made me smile. We are rooting for you! Stessie
  3. Welcome We are so happy you found us. BTW, what part of Ohio do you reside in? I'm from Cincy. Mood changes are normal. And, your balance issues can improve, especially as though it sounds like you enjoy the water. I, too, have balance issues along with a left leg limp. Those balance issues can strike at any time especially when you least suspect. Look forward to your posts, and once again, welcome. Stessie
  4. Wesley I thought about you earlier today and hoped all was going well. It is definitely a transition. I know what you mean about sleeping in. It is a luxury I have grown accustomed to except for Tuesday and Wednesday when I watch Logan. On those days I get up at 6 am and this is going on my 5th month now and I haven't been late (thank goodness) yet. I wish you so much success. Stessie
  5. Jeannie Great 1st time! It will get easier as your thoughts flow when you think about blogging and your writing expressions follow. You go! Stessie
  6. I, too, think of mortality now in a different light. It will happen. The economy is definitely one of concern for many Americans. It's almost as though we are starting over. I am reminded of a corporate experience when we broke all barriers down within the company and started new ways of thinking by expressing them on brown paper bags. We hung the wording and the bags on the walls of a very large conference room. I think back to this experience and know there is so much we can improve on in the US. There was and is so much greed and things need to change. Sometimes it takes a life altering experience for us to see things in a different light. There are some things I do differently as a result of stroke. And, I am grateful for the opportunity stroke has given me to volunteer. I was 57 when I stroked and thought I would be working for 8 more years. I was sad at first but have moved in other directions and am happy (and thankful to be above dirt). I enjoy your blogs. You have a great gift in being able to express yourself in writing in a most humble and thought provoking way. Send some of that San Diego weather our way! Stessie
  7. stessie

    I'm baaaaacccckkkkk

    Donna, I am happy you are back. Things happen for a reason and I hope you were able to enjoy your retirement time a bit. You are a wise and resourceful individual and contribute so much to this site. Stessie
  8. Kathy I understand your blog. I watch our nearly seven month old grandson each Tuesday and Thursday from 7:30 am until 6 pm. I do go to my daughter's house as she just lives several miles away and that way he doesn't need to go out everyday. I thoroughly enjoy caring for him and it brings joy to me. However, when I get home I just crash and it usually takes the next day for me to catch up. I was Director of Trade Shows/Meetings/Special Events for many, many years so you know that at one time I had a high energy level. Several of our friends ask us to join them for dinner on Thursday once or twice a month but I am too exhausted to do so. The fatigue associated with stroke is real. This is one thing exercise and even a good attitude cannot undo.
  9. I enjoy your posts. And, I know how exciting it is to drive again. Go, Wes! Stessie
  10. stessie


    Donna You have given an inordinate amount of time to Stroke Net and helped many folks along the way. Sometimes we need a "time out" to step back and reevaluate where it is we are heading. You deserve this time away and also an opportunity to pursue other opportunities. My hope is that whatever path you choose to follow that you stay as healthy as you are able and that you have some fun, too. When I joined Stroke Net I connected with another survivor who had a stroke six months prior to mine. I enjoyed the postings, blogs and e-mail. When she told me that for her it was time to move on from Stroke Net, I was saddened. She no longer posted or blogged but we do keep in touch. I then realized it was her time to move on to life's next challenge and she no longer needed her daily dose of Stroke Net. I still need mine but totally respect her decision. I learned and continue to learn a great deal from her. I wish you well, friend, and know you will keep us posted as you are able. My best. Stessie
  11. stessie


    I experience something similar. My left leg is affected and I do have a limp. When I first get out of bed in the morning I walk normally to wherever I am going at first. It blows my mind as I don't understand it either. I have been to San Diego several times and it is a beautiful city. I love Horton Plaza. I've also been to the convention center and it is one of the nicest in the country. I thought we were having a heat wave here yesterday when it got up to 37. You will find each day that you do improve. At first I was obsessed with stroke and learning and researching all about it. Now almost two years later there are days I do not think about it. Stessie
  12. stessie

    More to Come???

    I read your blog and then reread it again slowly so I could absorb. You have written a powerful blog letting your inner self shine through. It is about life and truth in dealing with illness. I applaud you for blogging to help yourself and to help others. Look forward to more of your posting. BTW, we are the same chronological age. Stessie
  13. I so enjoy your posts. Thanks for keeping us updated. My wish for both you and Larry in 2009 is to stay healthy. Stessie
  14. Post-stroke is just like normal life as there are good days and bad days. You are determined and with that type of determination, recovery will improve. It will be amazing at your one year anniversary when you look back and see how much you have accomplished. Personally, I was thrilled when I no longer had to push off the toilet and I could just stand up on my own. Oh, the little things in stroke recovery.... Stessie
  15. stessie


    I really, really enjoy your posts. You are going to improve and life will get easier. You have the determination and patience to make it all happen. The first year is definitely the toughest and once you hit the one year anniversary mark, you can look back and be in awe of all that you have accomplished. I know firsthand because I have come much further than my doctors ever hoped. Due to balance issues, my neuro told me I would never be able to sit on the floor and get up. As you might imagine, I can do it! My wish for you in 2009 is that you stay healthy. Stessie
  16. stessie

    I hate school

    Your mega smile is a gift. You can use it to make new introductions. Perhaps you could reach out first to others and take the initial step. You can do it! Don't linger on a 4.0. It is much to much stress. There's nothing wrong with a 3.5 or 3.8.
  17. Driving again has to be wonderful for you...yeah! I am 20 months post stroke and didn't drive for 9 months. When I started driving again, it was fantastic to have my independence back. Today I drive all over. Your observation about the changes with friends post stroke is so true. It's almost as though they are afraid they are going to "catch" a stroke. Enjoy your blogs. Stessie
  18. Katrina, You are stunning with an awarding winning smile! Keep up the good grades. Stessie
  19. Welcome back, Sherry. Stay in touch with us. Stessie
  20. Donna You are in my thoughts and prayers. Please let us know the results on Monday. I survived raising two daughters but I hadn't stroked at that time. The older one was easy but the younger one could definitely have her challenging days. She is 25 now and we are very close. She actually turned out to be my rock after the stroke. Hang in there....those teenage years are challenging. Stessie
  21. Ann My thoughts are with you. This past evening I was at my 86 year old mother-in-law's house. She was telling me how bad she felt and that nothing seems to work. Of course, she sits in a chair all day long and watches CNN non-stop. She has never tried a Senior Citizens group or even tried to connect with others. For the first time since my stroke in April of '07, I told her that I, too, was in pain. She told me she didn't think my stroke had done anything other than to make me lose my balance and limp. She was amazed that I had any other deficits because I am so "positive" all the time. I told her I practice the motto than any additional day above ground is one more good day for me. I almost felt better after telling her each day can be a struggle for me, too. Please hang in there and let us know how your doctor's appt. goes. Happy New Year and my best to you in '09. Stessie
  22. stessie

    Christmas is here!

    Merry Christmas, Fred. I hope 2009 brings you some improvement in health. I so enjoy your blogs and postings. Stessie
  23. stessie

    Not feeling Christmasy

    I do understand missing the social interaction and just being involved in general. Twenty months after my stroke I have a new life where I am once again involved but on a different level (medically retired). I care for our new grandson two days a week, volunteer for several organizations, and am beginning to assist my spouse with his book of business. A year ago I was lonely, too, until I got up and running in my new post-stroke life. I missed interaction so much. I also now check on several elderly folks throughout the week. Some never hear from anyone. It will be good to begin job hunting after the first of the year. My best to you. Stessie