
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. I'm just like you. I have some meds that either make you feel buzzed or that can make you sleep 10-14 hours non-stop. Cold weather especially makes me sore; however, our weather is nothing compared to yours. We'll be glad to let you keep the Canadian weather. Countdown for your wife is exciting. Stessie
  2. Leah A cold can truly be miserable especially when it drags on and on. I am like Kristen in that I now take Zicam and it really seems to work. It's okay to get emotional and show some feelings, and to cry, too. I cried one evening last week about my after stroke life and how much I miss just being able to walk. We went Christmas shopping yesterday and thank goodness for one of the store's baby strollers. I had to end up using it so I could walk and keep my balance. It slowed us down some but I did spend over four hours walking and shopping. I was so tired afterwards that it felt good to get home, turn on the gas fireplace, and relax. It sounds like you have your holiday plans firmed up. That's super. Take care. Stessie
  3. Jan, things are busy at your household. Please keep us posted on your first WW meeting. I am praying it goes well and that you will be able to socialize afterwards. I am like you in that I enjoy being around people. Stessie
  4. Many of us have experienced situations where a relative or close friend has opted to be obstinate. The older we become, the more we realize how temporary our time is here on earth. I truly hope all works out for you this time around and that your sons and family opt to come back into your life and also accept Andre. Please keep us posted on how things go. My very best to you. Stessie
  5. We are glad you found Stroke Net. I went back and read your original post. You have come a long way, Karen. You should be very proud. It can indeed be lonely right after you get home from a stroke. It's almost as though everyone thinks now that you are home, all is okay. This is not the case when you are new to your situation and trying to get around the house. Plus, I recall what an ordeal it was to take a shower. I had trouble washing my hair and was reluctant to ask for help so I spent way too much time in the shower trying to get shampoo out. When you have time and feel like it, please tell us more about your situation. We are here to listen. Stessie
  6. Have you been in contact with your doctor? I would definitely urge you to give him/her a call to make an appt. Stessie
  7. Hang in are still in the recovery stage. Don't be too hard on yourself. Stessie
  8. Donna You are a life line to many. We are glad you volunteered for Stroke Net and continue to do so today. The first six months can really be tough. Stessie
  9. Dianne D., so good to hear from you. Your comments echo that of many in my stroke survivor group. I am meeting with a hospital representative on Friday here to see if we can't follow up with survivors who are recently discharged to let them know about our stroke survivor support group. I think it could help many. A person who has experienced what they are going through can help. Your Arizona weather sounds good to me today. It's snowing, cold and blustery here in Ohio. Stessie
  10. Wow, Sue, I am always amazed at how well you express youself in writing. It sounds as though you truly have rebuilt your lives in 9 years. I do believe many stroke survivors are very lonely after their strokes, especially during the first six months. Stessie
  11. Right before I went on vacation I attended our monthly stroke survivor support group meeting. The topic was about being lonely right after your stroke. I listened as many told about not having anyone to talk with, not having visitors, and etc. The first six months are tough and many felt they were thrown to the wolves after support at rehab and then virtually no support system once they got home. How was it for you?
  12. What a great blog. I enjoyed very much reading it.
  13. Jan Enjoyed your blog. For whatever reason, I have accepted my stroke. I never questioned why me. Every now and then I am a little envious when I see people walking normally and wonder if they ever stop to think how much goes into making walking go so smoothly. I'm still me, I just walk with a limp and much slower. Sometimes I fall but not as often as right after my stroke.
  14. Loved your blog. You have such a great flair for expressing yourself. I am sure you are looking forward to 2009 and leaving 2008 behind. I felt the same way last year. Keep us posted as you are able. We enjoy your blogs and keeping up. My best. Stessie
  15. It is so good to hear from you. Isn't it amazing what six months can do???? All the craziness right after a stroke and then settling in/adapting to the change in life's course. Take care of yourself especially with the holidays approaching and keep us updated as you can about yourself and Larry. It sounds like Cecilia turned out to be a gem. Stessie
  16. Super blog, Leah. I now watch my new grandson (4 months old) each Tuesday and Thursday. I realize I cannot plan anything for those evenings as I am so tired. But, it is so worth it as for the hours I care for Logan, I never think about stroke. There are times when I don't accompany my family or friends when there is uneven grass or concrete. I do know what you mean. Thank you for your blog. I enjoyed it. Stessie
  17. Hi, Bart So glad you are's nice to get to know you. Things will definitely get better as your stroke is relatively new. Life will never be the same as it was pre-stroke but you make changes and adapt. I have personally found a lot more meaning to life and am thankful for each new day. Welcome to Stroke Net! Stessie
  18. stessie

    my life lately

    Kimmie We became first time grandparents on 7/11 this year and I love that little fella so much. I started watching him all day each Tuesday and Thursday about six weeks ago. I come home exhausted but it is worth every minute. I am not sure if the exhaustion is stroke related or just taking care of an infant. I never thought I would be a baby sitter but with the stroke medically retiring me early, it has been helpful to both me and our daughter. I don't even think about stroke on the days I care for him as he is such a joy as he learns to roll, lift his head up, watch hanging toys in delight, and etc. Please keep us posted. You will be so incredibly excited! About the walking, I understand that. I stick to smaller stores or when I go to a store such as Kohl's, I use a shopping cart. I find that the colder weather here in Ohio kinda makes my affected leg slow down a bit more than normal. I love Arizona. I used to do many, many meetings/conferences in sunny Scottsdale. I did a few meetings at the Westin LaPaloma in Tucson, too, which was nice. Stessie
  19. Donna What a week! I am sure the days to come will have their ups and downs, too. It is good that Kristi was able to speak with her grandmother before she passed on. It is also good that she expressed to your brother, Joe, her love for you. Please know that you are such a good person and all that you do for your Stroke Net friends is truly appreciated. Sometimes you just need to see it in writing so you'll know the warmth that others have for you. Take care, my friend. Stessie
  20. Fantastic news! I have thought about you daily and this is wonderful news. Friends can and do make a difference. Please continue to keep us posted. Stessie
  21. Louis Oh, how we can relate. I stroked in April of '07 at the age of 57. I was in the hospital for over a month and then through much rehab. One of my difficulties, too, has been sleep. I got my days and nights mixed up and it has been hard. I do work in the yard a great deal and get tired but it doesn't make me sleep any better. Balance is a worry. I have sprained my affected ankle four times during the past year falling. I do water therapy and also exercises but I still limp and each of my falls has resulted in a sprained ankle. We are here for you, my friend. We understand. We know what you are going through. And, most importantly, we relate and care. My best to you. Stessie
  22. stessie

    Going on respite

    The getaway sounds marvelous! I went out to the web site and it looks like a very serene location. Please rest both your mind and body as much as you are able to really get the most out of it. Also, being with other caregivers and interacting daily will be a blessing. Relax, enjoy, have fun, and share in some laughter (which is good for the body and soul). We would love to hear about the getaway when you get back home. Have a safe trip! Stessie
  23. Kathy Congratulations on year #3 post-stroke. What a long ride it has been and look at where you are today. It sure isn't easy and I like where you say life adjustments do finally come into play. I am glad you did well while Barry was away. I'm 18 months post-stroke and I recall when my husband was away for several days when I was 9 months out. I was a little scared especially while showering...I kept thinking what would happen if I fell and couldn't get up. I had my cell phone nearby. I imagine life on Cape Cod is really even more beautiful about this time of year. I visited there one time about 10 years ago and still have great memories. My best to you. Stessie
  24. stessie


    You need to express your feelings of sadness and frustration one on one with a counselor or pastor. It's time to get some assistance and perhaps medication. It also sounds as though you may be lonely and might have some family anger. There is help available and the first step is realizing you need it and to ask for it. We are here for you but your postings are beginning to frighten us as we know counseling is needed immediately. It is imperative that someone listen as you share your thoughts/inner feelings. Please schedule an appointment. Let us know how things go. Most importantly, HELP is available. Stessie
  25. stessie


    I am glad you are expressing your frustration. Life is not easy and if you don't express, it just gets bottled up. I don't know what to say except to offer that you are in both my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us posted especially after your doctor's appt.