
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. Janine It is nice to catch up. I can imagine your days are extremely busy. It sounds as though Cecilia is working out and a great deal of welcome help. I stroked in April of '07 and it is beginning to seem like so long ago. I understand when you say that Larry's stroke seems so many months ago. I enjoy your posts. Keep us updated as you are able. Be sure to get rest, too. Stessie
  2. stessie


    Welcome Hey, you are really doing well if this is only your third visit to Stroke Net and you are blogging. You are definitely computer literate. I enjoyed your story. Look forward to future posts. We are so glad you found Stroke Net. Stessie
  3. stessie

    thank you

    Thank you! I have been touched by your bloggings (especially being able to wear real shoes) and your finding love after 20 years. When you are ready to blog again, your Stroke Net family will be here. Stessie
  4. stessie

    my last entry

    I hope you change your mind and continue blogging. I, for one, have enjoyed your fresh and creative style of writing. You have accomplished so much on your own and found love again after so many years. We have learned much about you, Andre, your family and etc. And, yes, I even know you were able to begin wearing regular shoes again. Kudos to you. My admiration to you for all that you have accomplished and will continue to accomplish. As the song says, "don't quit now."
  5. stessie

    my baby is now 16

    Hello, Donna I truly enjoyed the birthday photos. Kristi is a beautiful young lady with a great new "do." Enjoy your next two years with Kristi. Once they leave home, it becomes a different relationship. For me, it's been great as I remain close to both of our daughters. Stessie
  6. Ruth We share the same name as it is my middle name. My mom's name was Ruth so I was named after her. As I read through your blogs, I wondered "where do you turn?" Life has not been easy for you these past several years nor for your two daughters. We were able to get help for my mother-in-law through the regional Senior Citizens agency with house cleaning, meals delivered, repair work to her house, and etc. I'm not sure where you live but it sounds like you could use an afternoon away from home during the week with care for your spouse. Are these services available in your area? I'm just trying to find you some much needed help and respite. You are in my thoughts. Stephanie
  7. Sherry Yes, I remember you. Life hasn't been easy for you, but I pray you never ever give up hope. Look forward to you posting again. Take care of yourself. Stessie
  8. Caged Bird Good post. I honestly believe I will improve. There's no fluff to that statement. I work every day toward improvement with exercise and being as optimistic as possible. If I think for a moment that I can't do something, it makes me even more determined to try to do it. I have been trying to walk heel to toe for the past month and a neighbor commented to me in our driveway tonight without solicitation that she was noticing some improvement in my gait. I was thrilled! This same neighbor has seen me walking up and down our street for the past year struggling to improve. Vivid-Dawn Great post. It's refreshing to read your feedback. You seem determined and brave. Look forward to your future posts. Stessie
  9. Ken This is quite an honor and one of which you should be proud. That's quite an impressive number of years for service and dedication to one organization. Congratulations! Stessie
  10. Wow! This is a very powerful message and one that hit home with me especially yesterday, Thank you for sharing. We do enjoy your posts.
  11. Stu, this is great. A relative I had not seen for awhile asked me about the signs of my stroke the other day. She was amazed that I didn't have a horrible headache or some of the other signs she knew about. My hope is that your piece will open the eyes of their large readership and hopefully prevent some from waiting too long if they have symptoms. Thank you for sharing your experience.
  12. stessie

    The water-park

    Great story. Please keep sharing as I enjoy reading about your life experiences.
  13. You make jewelry, too?? Actually this hobby is what got me inspired last year. I stroked in April and then in October I reconnected with my jewelry making hobby (I love fine jewelry). It wasn't pretty at first with my left hand shaking but I was very, very determined. I made one necklace in the time it used to take me to make five but I did it! I haven't done too much this year as I've been involved in other things but it's a very creative hobby. My favorite is making lariats out of sworovski crystals. You can become inspired me. Stessie
  14. stessie

    mcd's blog

    You have indeed come a long way, and I'm sure there were many difficult time periods. Great feedback.
  15. Stu II'm there with you..when I am using my cane, folks ask me the same question all the time. They mostly inquire about knee surgery. Stessie
  16. You are in my thoughts. Please keep us posted after your visit re the driving. Stessie
  17. stessie

    Two Years !!

    Stu Congratulations! I am very happy for you. I truly enjoy your posts and always look forward to your replies. Here's to many more years.... Stessie
  18. stessie

    Home Health Care

    Fred Will keep my fingers crossed for you. Keep us posted. Stessie
  19. stessie

    Family or Foe?

    I am so sorry. Deaths, weddings, births, and illness can bring out the worst in some families. I have no solution except to say my thoughts are with you.
  20. It is good to read this feedback. Rather than purchasing her book, I am going to request it from my local library, too. I did see the video that was posted, too, and felt uncomfortable when she said the stroke experience was wonderful. Frankly, there's not one thing I can think of or even relate to that was "wonderful" about stroking.
  21. I truly enjoyed reading your blog today. I read it once and then reread it slowly a second time. What an eloquent way of talking about your life as it is today and enjoying each and every day.
  22. Glad you enjoyed your vacation. I, too, have never really enjoyed walking in the sand, but I sure do love listening to the ocean and having a warm breeze come in on the balcony of a hotel room. I am truly keeping my fingers crossed for you with the driving. Please keep us posted. Stessie
  23. stessie


    Hope you have a great vacation in Vegas. We were there the year before last and stayed at the Bellagio. Wonderful hotel! We've been there several times and always enjoy the Danny Gans show at the Mirage (showing my age). You will be doing a great deal of walking but there's so much to see and do. Have the best vacation possible! Stessie
  24. Janine, what an exhilirating day. Please take care of yourself, too. Will be anxious to see how things go over the weekend.
  25. Donna It is okay to get down every now and then as long as it doesn't last too long. I am glad you are taking some new meds for the depression. You have a lovely daughter and so much to live for. Be sure to take care of yourself.