
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. I am one of 5 finalists for Breast Cancer Survivor foe 2010 here in Cincinnati. I did get permission to also mention my stroke. I would be so honored if my Stroke Net friends could/would consider voting for me. You can vote daily until September 24. Please go to, then under Living (Main), and then Breast Cancer Survivor Videos. I'm Stephanie Wolfram. Thank you so much! If you have family or friends who would also vote for me, that would be super.
  2. Asha, you have given so much to so many of us at Stroke Net. I am thankful you were there for me. We are all on our life journies and they change from year to year. Thank you, Asha.
  3. Lenny, what a wonderful thing you are'll do fine as I can even sense your enthusiasm in your written word. It sounds as though you are having much success with the bioness!
  4. stessie

    Just Tryin'

    Annie, you are a survivor and a strong individual. You are working your way through a new stage of your life. We are still here and alive. Keep on blogging so we can stay with you.
  5. Gramma, you are a can make it! It okay to vent and we are here for you.
  6. Fred, thank you! I needed to read something of this nature and it will get me back on track. Very, very uplifting!
  7. stessie

    Catch up Time

    It is so good to hear from you and to catch up. Glad to hear things are going well. Your stroke anniversary has or should be coming up very soon...congratulations! Enjoy your time with family at the Kentucky reunion.
  8. Beautiful Sunday morning in Ohio.

  9. Jan, thanks for your update. I miss you on Stroke Net but know you are following a different journey in your life. I was saddened to learn about your friend's passing as I recall you mentioning her here on Stroke Net. Way to go with the "release" of 37 pounds. You go, girl,and never find them Love and miss you, my friend.
  10. stessie


    Ruth, let us know how it went.
  11. stessie


    Fred, thanks for sharing.
  12. stessie

    # 13

    Do apply for disability. You will need some income.
  13. stessie

    # 12

    I hope you are able to get some uninterrupted and much needed sleep. This can cause so much havoc to your body. Your blogs come feom the soul and I enjoy your writing skills. We are here for you.
  14. stessie

    I lost it

    It has to be frustrating but with time and practice, you will increase your endurance. We are here for support and to cheer you on. Please knpw you are in our thoughts.
  15. I voted and will continue to do so. What an honor to be a Top Ten finalist.
  16. You both are always in my prayers. I have learned so much from you, Sue.
  17. The first year is definitely the most difficult. Look at how far you have come and how much more you can accomplish. You could not have expressed the first year description I have ever heard. Your attitude will take you even further. Congratulations.
  18. Donna, we miss you at Stroke Net but understand your reach for new endeavors. It is always good to keep up on FB. Have a wonderful day on Kristi's graduation. She had just begun high school when I met you on Stroke Net. How time flies. What are her plans for the future? Please continue to keep us updated.
  19. stessie

    summer is here

    Asha, so good to see your blog. Yes, life changes but we see things so differently and love even more as we know life is precious. Enjoy summer with your son.
  20. stessie

    I fell

    Hoping each day improves for you. Falls can certainly be nasty and make one very sore.
  21. stessie

    Four years on Tuesday

    Stu, good to see you blogging. I tuned 60 this past year and got slammed with breast cancer in addition to being 3 years out from stroke. And, I am still improving. If we can stay on top of our health, we have mny more years to enjoy. Happy Birthday.
  22. Fres, I am so happy for you. It takes work and determination to get to where you are I applaud you.