
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by stessie

  1. I hope you are able to get some uninterrupted and much needed sleep. This can cause so much havoc to your body.


    Your blogs come feom the soul and I enjoy your writing skills. We are here for you.

  2. Donna, we miss you at Stroke Net but understand your reach for new endeavors. It is always good to keep up on FB.


    Have a wonderful day on Kristi's graduation. She had just begun high school when I met you on Stroke Net. How time flies. What are her plans for the future?


    Please continue to keep us updated.

  3. Stu, good to see you blogging. I tuned 60 this past year and got slammed with breast cancer in addition to being 3 years out from stroke. And, I am still improving. If we can stay on top of our health, we have mny more years to enjoy. Happy Birthday.

  4. Stu, it is good to see you blogging again. I, too, hope it is just the weather for you.


    I hope you and Kath do volunteer. Stroke survivors and caregivers can/will benefit from your knowledge.


    Do get that colonoscopy soon...we want you around. Yes, stroke helped me survive cancer.