
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by stessie

  1. Kimmie, I am sorry I didn't know things were so difficult for both you and your husband. What type of work does your husband do? These are definitely trying times and times I have never seen in my lifetime. I have a brother-in-law who worked in manufacturing as a plant supervisor and he lost his job two years ago next month. He is in his 50's and has gone on so many interviews. Unemployment has run out and he is now working part-time from 9 am until 1 pm @ $13 an hour for Fed Express. He would love to get on but they have told him the part-time jobs available will not lead to full-time. They are living off of the money he had saved in his 401K.


    If you do decide to move back to Texas, it sounds as though you would be close to family which is good...and those two grandsons which is even better.


    My thoughts are with you.

  2. Jan, what a great blog from the heart. I wish I lived closer to you and if I did, we would go for lunch. Several weeks after my last chemo, I called a friend who I hadn't seen for awhile who had just had a triple bypass. I didn't realize how lonely she was and how lunch made her day.



  3. I just read both Part 1 and Part 2. I would like to make it all better for you in a minute but that's not possible. It is hard and it will be difficult as you move beyond the divorce to make your own life. But, you can do are a stroke survivor and did so much to recover. I applaud all that you have done to date and where you are with your health challenges...back to work and driving.


    Fred provided some very good advice, too.


    Please keep blogging and keeping us posted. There are certain to be lonely times especially in the wee hours of the morning...Stroke Net is here for 24/7.

  4. Hi, Janice

    I, too, got a little addicted to Facebook and am edging off. It's been mostly since I was diagnosed with cancer and going through surgeries, doctor appts., blood work, tests and etc. While I was able to watch our grandson, I wasn't able to get out and volunteer as much and some days it was just difficult to get out of bed right after chemo. I reconnected with so many friends, former classmates, colleagues, and etc. Fortunately, I didn't play any of the games or get hooked on them.


    I am glad to see your posting...I had planned this week to begin weaning off since chemo was over last week. As soon as I get my strength back, I'll be out in the yard gardening and volunteering (thank goodness). I hope you are able to wean off, too.

  5. Spring is renewal time and there's nothing better than a deep breath of fresh air. I hope your snow is gone. We here in Ohio had quite a long winter and it is especially gratifying to hear birds singing, frogs chirping, flowers blooming, and etc.


    Keep on getting out as you are able. It makes such a huge difference.

  6. Wow, the five weeks went by quickly. They probably didn't to you or William but I recall when he started. How do you feel he has done? After I did my volunteer studies, I asked family members to accompany me and give me their thoughts. I did this along with the PTs. They were able to offer some additional insight as to how I could continue to improve in my daily life.


    William is so fortunate to have you actively involved as his caregiver. It makes a huge difference and early on can help so with his recovery journey.

  7. Sue,

    What an energetic and busy day! There was a variety of differerent people and things going on.


    It is beginning to warm here in Ohio and my thoughts are going to the yard. We have daffodils coming up and after the long, hard winter...they are more beautiful than ever.



  8. Brian,

    Children are amazing! I continue to watch our grandson while gong through chemo. Logan doesn't care that I no longer have hair nor that there are days when I am throwing up in the kitchen sink. He only knows his "G" loves him. I was watching him today when I became ill and while I was throwing up, he was patting me on my back legs saying, "it will be okay, "G." He gives me daily strength. You have a wonderful opportunity to spend such quality time with Joshua...make every minute count.

  9. Jan, it is so good to see you blogging. Beau is very fortunate to have found his new parents just as you are to have found him. Life throws us challenges and the workarounds can take us on paths we didn't expect. Harley will always be a part of your life and family, and he would want you and Wayne to experience joy again. I'm glad your path that evening on FB took you to the website where you saw Beau.


    Good to have you back on Stroke Net. We missed you a great deal.

  10. Kevin

    With all of the changes taking place in your life, you will find new meaning and repurposing. Sit down, put down on paper where you desire to be, and determine how you are going to get there. Take a walk and give it a great deal of thought. Talk to others who have been on a similar path.

