
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by stessie

  1. Volunteering will get you involved and engaged in other activities. I stroked in April of '07 and have been volunteering for several years. I didn't return to work so this has provided an opportunity to help others and to make new friends. You can do it...the first thing is to identify what interests you and where you want to devote some time and effort...then pick up the phone and make a call. Good luck.

  2. Hey, Karen, I was wondering what had happened to you...glad you are back home and on solid footing. Wow! What an experience you have had! I don't have any answers but know that you need to take care of yourself.


    I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October and have had two surgeries and radiation. I begin chemo on January 7. I'm now a stroke survivor and will, hopefully, be a breast cancer survivor.


    2010 has got go be better for both of us...I am praying for you.

  3. Fred, thank you for sharing.


    You have been such a wonderful friend to me on Stroke Net. I love your words of wisdom and take on life in general. Hope you enjoy the season with your wife and family. I always think and pray for our soliders due to you.


    Hey, stay with me as I begin chemo on January 7. The fear of the unknown is there but it is something I definitely have to do.



  4. Merry Christmas, Kimmie, and thanks for all that you do for us here at Stroke Net. Hopefully, 2010 will be an improved year. Enjoy your tree. I, too, amlike you in that I do not decorate as much as I used to. Fortunately, my husband likes to put up the tree and decorate it so that helps.


    We have snow here in Ohio so it truly does seem like the holidays. The forecast for Christmas is rain.



  5. This was a great first blog getting your intermost thoughts out. It is challenging after a stroke but there are different ways to do things (although not always the easiest). My grandson is 18 months and thinks it is funny when "Gi" crawls around on the floor trying to get up after we have been playing. He doesn't know any different and I think he still thinks I am somewhat playing. I sometimes have to crawl to pieces of furniture to get up.


    WoW! You did have your hands full with four grandchildren and long hours. It can definitely wear you out.


    We are on this journey with you and I'm so happy you blogged.

  6. Nancy, I am saddened you are alone and have no one to call. There are support groups where you can meet face to face and be among survivors who are experiencing what you are going through. You do make friends with these folks and they are very supportive. Many are there when needed wih a phone call. Have you looked into this?



  7. Leah, enjoyed reading your update. I am going to the library to request the book you mentioned "Strong at the Broken Places." It sounds very helpful.


    Tucson is cold at 40 degrees. We were in Pensacola, Florida over the weekend and it was in the 30's's 41 degrees in Ohio today. It is definitely winter, that's for sure.


    I always enjoy reading your updates and catching up. Best wishes for a relaxing and pleasant holiday season.

