
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. stessie

    Getting Started

    Walt, Well communicated!
  2. Thinking of you, Ray and your mum...these are definitely not easy days. You inspire me, Sue.
  3. I, too, am happy to see your blog. Finding good doctors is a blessing and your path this year certainly looks brighter. Please keep us posted.
  4. Sue, I am thankful for the times you "fly" into my home. You have such a gift in expressing yourself and your writing skills are superb! Together we will enjoy 2010 and live each day to its fullest.
  5. Hey, Karen, I was wondering what had happened to you...glad you are back home and on solid footing. Wow! What an experience you have had! I don't have any answers but know that you need to take care of yourself. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in October and have had two surgeries and radiation. I begin chemo on January 7. I'm now a stroke survivor and will, hopefully, be a breast cancer survivor. 2010 has got go be better for both of us...I am praying for you.
  6. Wesley, Great reflecting post! You have come so far and 2010 can only hold more opportunity for improvement. Life changes and we true. Please continue to stay in touch in 2010. Stessie
  7. What a remarkable year you have had...Dick's dementia improving. I am happy you are able to enjoy a vacation (and snow free). Let's hope all continues through 2010. My best wishes.
  8. Jan, thinking of you, Harley & Wayne. I, too, feel as though I know him through you.
  9. Fred, thank you for sharing. You have been such a wonderful friend to me on Stroke Net. I love your words of wisdom and take on life in general. Hope you enjoy the season with your wife and family. I always think and pray for our soliders due to you. Hey, stay with me as I begin chemo on January 7. The fear of the unknown is there but it is something I definitely have to do. Stessie
  10. Merry Christmas, Kimmie, and thanks for all that you do for us here at Stroke Net. Hopefully, 2010 will be an improved year. Enjoy your tree. I, too, amlike you in that I do not decorate as much as I used to. Fortunately, my husband likes to put up the tree and decorate it so that helps. We have snow here in Ohio so it truly does seem like the holidays. The forecast for Christmas is rain. Stessie
  11. This was a great first blog getting your intermost thoughts out. It is challenging after a stroke but there are different ways to do things (although not always the easiest). My grandson is 18 months and thinks it is funny when "Gi" crawls around on the floor trying to get up after we have been playing. He doesn't know any different and I think he still thinks I am somewhat playing. I sometimes have to crawl to pieces of furniture to get up. WoW! You did have your hands full with four grandchildren and long hours. It can definitely wear you out. We are on this journey with you and I'm so happy you blogged.
  12. Nancy, I am saddened you are alone and have no one to call. There are support groups where you can meet face to face and be among survivors who are experiencing what you are going through. You do make friends with these folks and they are very supportive. Many are there when needed wih a phone call. Have you looked into this? Stessie
  13. stessie


    Leah, enjoyed reading your update. I am going to the library to request the book you mentioned "Strong at the Broken Places." It sounds very helpful. Tucson is cold at 40 degrees. We were in Pensacola, Florida over the weekend and it was in the 30's's 41 degrees in Ohio today. It is definitely winter, that's for sure. I always enjoy reading your updates and catching up. Best wishes for a relaxing and pleasant holiday season. Stessie
  14. stessie

    This and That

    Leah, It is always good to hear from you...I enjoy your blogs. The ribs sound painful. I am hoping next year is much healthier for you. Take care. Stessie
  15. stessie

    joys shared

    There is nothing better than sisterhood. Happiness, tears, shared conversation of what is working for one individual, good food, and etc. I am so happy you have this opportunity and are able to take advantage of it. I'm also glad you were able to enjoy a much needed and hopefully relaxing massage!
  16. Beth, it is good to see you posting again. I had wondered about you. Wow! I don't have any suggestions for getting out during the upcoming winter. I know it can be very depressing. I am hopeful others can provide some suggestions. The trike seems to have worked out well. Good for you! It is my hope you will be able to get it fixed and ride once again next Spring.
  17. I hadn't either until another friend told me about it this past week. Interesting.
  18. Fred, keeping this in my thoughts and prayers.
  19. Ruth, that sounds great about the clinical study and William. I did one for three months three times a week around 6 months after my stroke. I consider it the best thing I ever did in terms of stroke recovery. It was for walking and the PT was strigent. I did it on my days off and for many months after the study ended. I will be anxious to hear how it goes and which study he gets on. Glad your colonoscopy went well. The test itself isn't's just getting ready for it the day before when you need to drink the liquids (ugh).
  20. HEY, it is wonderful your therapy is continuing to make inroads. You keep on giving it your fullest just as you have been doing. Sounds like the botox is working, too. Computer problems are irksome. Some people have way too much time on their hands in coming up with ways to destroy our computers with viruses. If only they would direct this energy in a different direction. Please keep on posting. I am definitely interested in hearing how you are progressing.
  21. Erin, thanks for your info. Jake going back to work is is a step toward recovery. Please continue to keep us posted. I am anxious to learn how it goes and am keeping my fingers crossed.
  22. And, you will get there. Volunteering enlightened me to another world and I am thankful I did it and continue to do so. I work with Make A Wish and most of the children will never get to enjoy the 50 plus years that I have been able to enjoy. They are grateful for any help and "Mickey" just warms their hearts. Your blog is one of acceptance and where you are headed after this acceptance. Only you can make the difference in your life. Others can listen or wish you well but you are the one who needs to effect the change. Hey, I'm proud of you. Go for it!
  23. This is a good thought provoking blog. It caused me to ponder about it which is a good thing. I stroked in April of '07 and then was just diagnosed with breast cancer on 10/1. I'm not angry but I am definitely a bit scared. I have so much to live and recover for that I hope after surgery, radiation and chemo that the cancer does not return. Enjoy your blogs, Michael.