
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by stessie

  1. There is nothing better than sisterhood. Happiness, tears, shared conversation of what is working for one individual, good food, and etc. I am so happy you have this opportunity and are able to take advantage of it. I'm also glad you were able to enjoy a much needed and hopefully relaxing massage!

  2. Beth, it is good to see you posting again. I had wondered about you.


    Wow! I don't have any suggestions for getting out during the upcoming winter. I know it can be very depressing.


    I am hopeful others can provide some suggestions.


    The trike seems to have worked out well. Good for you! It is my hope you will be able to get it fixed and ride once again next Spring.



  3. Ruth, that sounds great about the clinical study and William. I did one for three months three times a week around 6 months after my stroke. I consider it the best thing I ever did in terms of stroke recovery. It was for walking and the PT was strigent. I did it on my days off and for many months after the study ended.


    I will be anxious to hear how it goes and which study he gets on.


    Glad your colonoscopy went well. The test itself isn't's just getting ready for it the day before when you need to drink the liquids (ugh).

  4. HEY, it is wonderful your therapy is continuing to make inroads. You keep on giving it your fullest just as you have been doing. Sounds like the botox is working, too.


    Computer problems are irksome. Some people have way too much time on their hands in coming up with ways to destroy our computers with viruses. If only they would direct this energy in a different direction.


    Please keep on posting. I am definitely interested in hearing how you are progressing.

  5. And, you will get there. Volunteering enlightened me to another world and I am thankful I did it and continue to do so. I work with Make A Wish and most of the children will never get to enjoy the 50 plus years that I have been able to enjoy. They are grateful for any help and "Mickey" just warms their hearts.


    Your blog is one of acceptance and where you are headed after this acceptance. Only you can make the difference in your life. Others can listen or wish you well but you are the one who needs to effect the change.


    Hey, I'm proud of you. Go for it!

  6. This is a good thought provoking blog. It caused me to ponder about it which is a good thing.


    I stroked in April of '07 and then was just diagnosed with breast cancer on 10/1. I'm not angry but I am definitely a bit scared. I have so much to live and recover for that I hope after surgery, radiation and chemo that the cancer does not return.


    Enjoy your blogs, Michael.

  7. Leah.

    It is so good to see you posting. Even if your next post isn't 100% positive, the fact of the matter is that you are trying and taking one step at a time. You have to give yourself credit for recognizing you do want to improve and that you have a plan of action.


    I am here to cheer you on...please keep us posted.


    Stephanie (Stessie)

  8. Hey, George, really enjoyed your blog. I am so sorry about Mike. There are no guarantees life will be there the next day for us. Do what you want to do while you can and are able. The fishing trip sounds like a challenge but also fun....go for it!


    It sounds like you will be a bachelor for several months with plenty of time to get the "honey do" list all completed.


    How did the bread baking go this past summer?



  9. Bruce

    I hope the injections work out for you, too. I don't have knowledge personally but I have witnessed a few in our support group who have gone this route and achieved results. They have told me, as Maria indicated, you do have to work the limbs to increase movement.


    Please keep us updated on the injections and how they are working. This is a step forward for you in recovery.