
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. stessie


    I am hoping you are able to enjoy the camp. Take care.
  2. I am so happy for you with your new freedom. Glad, too, that you and Fred will be connecting. There's nothing like meeting face to face.
  3. stessie

    No Nursing Home For Me

    I really enjoyed this, Fred. It may definitely be the way to go...just had never thought about it.
  4. Your blog really moved me. You have summarized so much of what goes on with a stroke survivor, caregiver, and etc. Thank you for sharing. Please do keep on blogging.
  5. I have found that volunteering has helped me tremendously, too. When you are with others and sharing a common goal, it's healthy and fun. I think it's great you are volunteering.
  6. Michael, I just wanted to say I am cheering you on.... The words from the others are all so true that there's nothing I can add. Keep on expressing and sharing your thoughts. It helps in the recovery process. I applaud you for being so honest with your feelings. Stessie
  7. Michael, I just wanted to say I am cheering you on.... The words from the others are all so true that there's nothing I can add. Keep on expressing and sharing your thoughts. It helps in the recovery process. I applaud you for being so honest with your feelings. Stessie
  8. Jeannie I learned a lot from your post. There are many things I did not know. Thank you for posting this and I am going to implement some of what you posted. Just really good information!
  9. Leah. It is so good to see you posting. Even if your next post isn't 100% positive, the fact of the matter is that you are trying and taking one step at a time. You have to give yourself credit for recognizing you do want to improve and that you have a plan of action. I am here to cheer you on...please keep us posted. Stephanie (Stessie)
  10. It will pass...but while you are waiting for it to pass, there are some very hot and uncomfortable days...and it's not all in your head. Hope the pool was cool today. How's the weather down your way...hopefully no more heavy rain.
  11. stessie

    Sad news

    Hey, George, really enjoyed your blog. I am so sorry about Mike. There are no guarantees life will be there the next day for us. Do what you want to do while you can and are able. The fishing trip sounds like a challenge but also fun....go for it! It sounds like you will be a bachelor for several months with plenty of time to get the "honey do" list all completed. How did the bread baking go this past summer?
  12. I love your take on doctor true. I go in with a notebook now so I can make sure I ask whatever is needed. Jeannie, why is there concern about the swine flu shot? I'm just curious for my own end. I have already taken the flu shot, too. Hope you are enjoying these fall days.
  13. stessie

    Good times

    This is wonderful news! We would love to see pics of your new son. Life is good...that is great for both you and your family.
  14. Bruce I hope the injections work out for you, too. I don't have knowledge personally but I have witnessed a few in our support group who have gone this route and achieved results. They have told me, as Maria indicated, you do have to work the limbs to increase movement. Please keep us updated on the injections and how they are working. This is a step forward for you in recovery.
  15. stessie


    Enjoy each and every day of your life...and thatt new house, too.
  16. Thanks for posting this, Fred. It's interesting that I have had 19 consecutive mammograms and nothing came up last year. The hospital where I go has new digital mammography equipment and they are showing an increase in catching cancer a lot sooner. The lump I have is large and just came about within the last year. I encourage women to have mammograms, too. I really thank you for helping to get the message out. The ice pack I have on my breast tonight from the biopsy done earlier today is solid pink. I think I am beginning to like pink once again. Take care, friend, and thanks for your blog
  17. Ruth, I am thrilled to see your husband posting. Yeah! Jan, thanks for this post. Love it!
  18. stessie

    I'm really back!

    And, I'm back a third time. I was with another stroke survivor this evening and telling her about your improvement. She was as thrilled for you as am I. I had to come back to say "thank you" for posting this blog....I've thought about it every day since first reading and just come back for inspiration.
  19. stessie

    I'm really back!

    I just had to come back. Your blog is so powerful and truly inspires me!
  20. Ruth, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs. It's as if we know both you and William personally (which we do). Having traveled down the same road you are on for the first year of post-stroke, it is great to read of progress and regaining some normalcy in life. Keep the blogs coming, please.
  21. stessie

    I'm really back!

    Bob, what a powerful blog. I don't know you well so went back and read your previous blogs. I have no doubt you have put an incredible amount of work into your recovery and when you said "you are now able to walk for many miles," it made my heart ping. As Sue said, thanks for the best news. Life is definitely moving forward for you. The weight loss, new lady friend, and etc. is welcome news. Please don't stay away so long are an inspiration to so many of us. Stephanie (Stessie)
  22. Donna, I can't thank you enough for all that you, too, have done for me since joining SN. Your help, guidance and nurturing has been immeasureable. Please keep blogging and providing feedback. For many, you have become the face of SN. Hey, how about the football game later today between the Bengals and Steelers???? With Cincy's win (thank goodness) last week, the city is hoping for another winning game. Both of my daughters will be at the game and the younger one will be tail gating, too.
  23. Fred, have you checked out the grocery store? Packaging is getting smaller and providers are charging the same for less and in some cases even increasing prices. It is definitely an eye opener. And, what about health care? The price increases during the past several years have been "out of sight." Hey, remember the term "out of sight" from the 60' just made me smile. Honestly, we spend our dollars a lot wiser these days and think more about purchases before making them.
  24. Michael, please try it first time around without a lawyer. There are several of us on this site who were approved first time around. It is definitely worth it to try and so much of it is documentation from your physicians. If you have a good medical support system, that really helps. You can do it online. Again, I can sense your growing and benefiting from the support here. We are glad you found us.