
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by stessie

  1. Leah, I, too, am sorry to learn of your setbacks. It seems sometimes we move forward one step and then backwards two steps. I like your idea of listening to meditative music. It is something I haven't done but may try. Even though I grew up in the 60's and love the oldies music, I find great pleasure in listening to early Sinatra music. When I have an afternoon off (not baby sitting or volunteering), I light candles, turn on Sinatra music, sip a glass of wine, and read. I actually look forward to this "quiet" time especially on a dreary day. Nine dental appointments...ouch. I hope you are able to get this resolved soon. Nice to see you blogging as we enjoy keeping up with Leah.
  2. stessie

    I went and saw Gunter

    You are the best of the definition of friend...a true friend.
  3. Isn't it amazing how differently we see things during each decade of life?? I would take health over possessions any day but that only came with age and illness. Keep on blogging...I can see the healing happening.
  4. Wow, Karen, life has not been easy! I am hopeful you will be able to make that much needed trip to visit your bff. My younger brother is a teacher and coach. He had both knee replacements done at the same time two months ago. I'm not sure I would have both done at the same time but he wanted to move on with his life. It was painful but after much PT, he is moving along well. He has continued doing therapy at home on the days he does not go to PT and he is back teaching full-time (no coaching yet though). You have had your share of health issues this year. Hopefully, 2010 will bring about a much better health year. My thoughts and prayers are with both you and your grandson. Please keep us updated.
  5. I sense some healing may be going on...that is wonderful! There are stroke deficits that are visible and stroke deficits that are invisible. I have learned from the good folks at Stroke Net that even though they may not be visible, the internal issues can be just as painful. It takes time to regain confidence that was lost when stroke invited itself in and never left. You sound as though you have many fine attributes. We are glad you found Stroke Net.
  6. Wow! I love that you are seeing marked improvement after 3 1/2 years with much training. Please keep us posted. Ugh! Bioness doesn't sound too consumer friendly. I am glad you are addressing this.
  7. stessie

    3rd week of therapy

    Your PT and OT are making a difference! Keep on keeping on.
  8. stessie

    Blessings abound

    Michael, enjoyed your blog. I always believed and continue to believe, "why not me?" It has made my stroke recovery journey easier with no looking back (except maybe occasionally). My mode is "today."
  9. Sheryl, Now that is the best kind of rest...asleep before your head hits the pillow! You keep on doing what you are doing and you will keep all of the muscles stretched and working. Enjoy the rest of this week.
  10. It sounds as though things are going well. Happy for you!
  11. stessie

    2nd week of therapy

    Donna, I am really enjoying your PT/OT blogs. It is a lot of hard work but you seem very focused. Isn't it amazing what we can accomplish? I recall in my OT that I spent 50 minutes one day taking water out of a sink with a wash rag and transferring it to the other side. I thought it was hard so I practiced at home two more times before I went back to do it again...and this time I accomplished it in 30 minutes. Another favorite was pulling out the marbles in the silly putty...I became pretty determined. I sense you will have achievements by the time you conclude PT/OT.
  12. Sue, your blogs have given me an appreciation of all that caregivers do. I know that should I ever become a caregiver, there is a lot I already will understand due to your information. Thank you.
  13. It is so good to see you back. I wondered about you and how you were doing. It sounds like your days are not easy at the present time. We would love to see you back on the board posting and blogging again. Take care. Stephanie (Stessie)
  14. Fred I have been coming to this board for close to two years and when I think of Stroke Net, I think of you, Donna, Kimmie, Jan, Kathy, and etc. I learned from PamToo that cyber friends can also be close friends. I think of you in the same vein. We need to know how you are doing, my friend, so please keep us posted as you are able. Stessie
  15. stessie

    Who Knew?

    Wesley, Here's to moving on to the second year of stroke survivorship. I have really enjoyed your blogs and sharing with you your journey. I think you will find life getting even easier as you move into the second year. For me, it was just so important to move beyond the first stroke anniversary. It was almost as though I had "graduated." Congratulations!
  16. stessie


    You have definitely moved on! It has been exciting to see your progress during the past year. Didn't you just celebrate your 1st year anniversary or it is coming up very soon?
  17. Whew! What a day! I haven't experienced any cuts with my blood thinner but the worry is there. Please take care of yourself. Things need to improve (especially with that tooth). Take care, Karen.
  18. I know these days have to be tiresome but in the same vein they have to be exciting. Releasing your hand had to be a thrill! I truly believe that going back later for OT/PT really helps. You are eager to improve and know what needs to be done to make it happen. Please keep us updated.
  19. stessie

    Good Bye Summer!

    Ann I agree with your comments regarding summer. For us in Ohio, it was a lackluster summer in terms of hot weather & swimming. Maybe next year... I know Pam communicated with you about some of her SN issues. I am glad you were a friend to her...this she told me. Your function for stroke survivors & caregivers sounds like a wonderful day. Stessie
  20. Dean I know how you continually work to improve deficits and am so proud of what you accomplished. I am sure there were time periods that were not easy but you persevered. I enjoyed your blog. Stessie
  21. stessie

    busy weekend

    The Saebo Brace is exciting news. Let us know how it goes.
  22. The late teenage years can be emotion filled and hectic. Unfortunately, you are the only one Kristi has to vent to or against at this time. I was raised by a single mom and I know what she went through to pay the bills. She was an RN and worked many extra shifts. Living on one paycheck with children is not easy. There will come a time, and I know it to be true, that Kristi will let you know how much she appreciates you and all that you have done. It can't be easy for you living on Social Security and raising her. There are only so many ways you can stretch a dollar. We know you love Kristi and care about us. Ultimately, it all balances out. Hang in there, Donna, and know that positive thoughts and prayers are coming your way. I just wish I lived closer to you.
  23. Hi, just saw the posting for this study on Stroke Net. I am making the call on Monday. I am definitely interested.
  24. I am happy you have a scooter so you can get out and about. I love festivals, too. I haven't gone to as many since my stroke but hopefully will be able to do so more this coming Fall....Octoberfest in Cincinnati is wonderful!
  25. It's a lot of work but I am happy you are going to receive some intensive rehab two times a week for eight weeks. I truly believe going back later really helps. The program I am in now only reaffirms this. You want it bad and know what needs to be done and there's no holding you back. You practice, exercise, practice, exercise and etc. Please do keep us posted. I am anxious to learn how it works for you along with the botox.