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Blog Comments posted by HostSally

  1. Hi Sue

    Glad that you had a wonderful Christmas

    You face things with such grace and I will have you in my prayers for good news.  Like someone said before you have been having check-ups so this might be in the early stage

    Please keep us posted when you get a chance and get out and get some painting done on that poor elephant

    Enjoy your garden and think of us that are in the middle of a very cold winter

    Take care



  2. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being you and showing us all the meaning of love and  that vows matter.

    Thank you for showing me and all the other caregivers that it's ok to vent and be mad at the world but in the end to pull up our big caregiver pants and get on with what has to be done.

    Thank you for all that you do for this site and I glad that you will be with us for a bit longer


  3. This is a wonderful blog so full of happy I just have to smile wide and am so proud of you  Yes I'm doing the happy dance for you.

    Your roomy tried to put a pin in your balloon but you would not let her good for you another pat on the back for you

    Going to the out with your purse and watching the fireworks another pat for you

    You are doing so well keep it up and keep blogging so that we can share in your joys and happy dance with you

    Take care and keep up the good work


  4. Sounds like things are looking up so happy for you   Glad that you are getting new shoes and if you can put apps on your cell phone you can download a pedometer to count your steps

    Hope that you don't get the bug that's going around

    Take care and enjoy the sunshine it's good for your mood


  5. So very happy to read this you sound like you and Larry are doing well.  Glad that he is home and that you are getting things under control.

    Remember to take a little time each day for you

    Praying that things stay on this track and that the weather gets warm enough for Larry to get outside for a walk

    Hope to see you in chat again soon but I know that your hands are full right now

    Take care and know that you are in my thoughts and prayers


  6. Nancy please take care of yourself and ask for help.  You have us here and we are all on your side so come and vent get it off your chest and just breath.

    For me it was at the beginning of Don's stroke so I had the time to grieve the us that we had planned the dreams that were smashed down.  I can remember that feeling of helplessness that my world would never be right.

    I think you are on the right path with talking with people and making sure that you are healthy, it's so hard at first to get all the things done and make sure that you are taking care of yourself.  You have hit the wall and need to take care of you and remember that you are worth it  Hard to do? YOU BET !!! but you have travel a hard road called care giving and  I think that you are stronger than you THINK and braver then you KNOW

    Take care and join us in chat we miss you
