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Everything posted by HostSally

  1. HostSally


    Great post as for your sign -big smiley face we are all lucky to be able to call you friend Sally
  2. HostSally


    Nancy please take care of yourself and ask for help. You have us here and we are all on your side so come and vent get it off your chest and just breath. For me it was at the beginning of Don's stroke so I had the time to grieve the us that we had planned the dreams that were smashed down. I can remember that feeling of helplessness that my world would never be right. I think you are on the right path with talking with people and making sure that you are healthy, it's so hard at first to get all the things done and make sure that you are taking care of yourself. You have hit the wall and need to take care of you and remember that you are worth it Hard to do? YOU BET !!! but you have travel a hard road called care giving and I think that you are stronger than you THINK and braver then you KNOW Take care and join us in chat we miss you Sally
  3. Hi Asha Sorry that your son has had this disappointment but when one door closes another opens. He will do great at any school that he goes to and just maybe he will find the girl of his dreams there too Sally
  4. prayers and hugs for your both take care Sally
  5. All sounds wonderful so very happy for you both
  6. I'm still parting with some wine soooooooo happy for you and Bruce
  7. HostSally

    BAD WEEK!!!!

    Cindy You and all of your family are in my prayers. Stay strong sending hugs your way. Take care Sally
  8. You are in my prayers. Keep us posted on your Dr visit
  9. Sorry for your loss Fred. You will see your sister in heaven. Prayer to you and your family Sally
  10. HostSally

    At home

    Sounds like you are making a good move. Maybe with the pressures of the job off your mind the seizures will stop and you can find another job on one shift. Remenber when one door closes another opens, and for you I think the next door will be a good one. Take care Sally
  11. Hi Cat Prayers for you and your family. It is so hard to see our loved ones lke that. Try your best to help out so that you have no regrets. Your sister really needs you now more then ever Take care Sally
  12. Fred You are so needed here on this site. I read your posts and always get a better idea of what it's like for my husband Don. You have made a big difference in my life and I wish that I would have told you this sooner. Please blog when you can you are such a value to this site. Prayers going up for better health reports from you and that your pain is manageable Take care Sally
  13. Nancy I got Don one of those sunlights so that he can sit and read and watch TV it's like fake sunshine but it worked for Don. I found a floorlamp style that works well for us and it was at at a very reasonable price, so it was worth trying Sally
  14. Great story you are a true success for yourself and now for the new baby that is on his/her way. Congradulations on you succcess and the baby, you are a winner all the way around.
  15. HostSally

    I'm Back

    Welcome Back so glad that you are back with us. You were one of the first survivors that I got lots of wisdon from. I was bouncing off the walls and really need the insight of a man/survivor and there you were. I was wife of stroker back in the day. So glad your back Sally
  16. Bless you both that you found each other your picture is beautful everyone looks so happy and loved and that is what's inportant. You are also showing your girls that when the going get tough we ladies pull up our big girl pants and work to make things better. Come join us in Caregivers chats on Tuesday nights at 8pm EST Sally
  17. Good blog. Glad that you are enjoying the summer and your cat, I'm in the market to find a new cat lost mine in Jan and my heart is ready to give another one maybe two a new forever home Keep up the good spirts Sally
  18. HostSally


    great pictures Congrads to the bride and groom
  19. You and your family are in my prayers. Sally
  20. HostSally

    Another Day

    Joni You and your family are in my prayers. Truest your heart and you will do what is best for all. Please join us in chat so that you can talk some of this out we are here for you Sally
  21. HostSally

    A Man and His Dog

    unconditional love is what you get from your pets. I really don't know how I would have made it through this world of stroke caregiving thing if it were not for Zeke our Chocolate Lab that we took in after Don came home. Zeke was my angel here on earth as he would take me out of the house and listen to me cry and just put his head on my lap when I needed it. Ruth did herself and William a big favor and now they are going to be loved by something very special. Sally
  22. HostSally

    my nephew

    Kimmie I so sorry for your family's loss. You will find a way to wrap your head and heart around this in time. Try to stay strong for your family you all need each other now. Your family is in my prayers. Take care Sally
  23. Happy New Year Julie We are having my family in for New Year Day/ Christmas so I'm not sure if I will make chat. Tell everyone that I'm thinking and pray for all to have a healthy and happy New Year. Tale care Sally
  24. Sue You are in my prayers. Please try not to worry about your sister you will do the very best you know how and that will be fine. I'm glad that your family is in and that you can lean on them. Take care and remenber that this site is open 24 hours so on those sleepless nights come here you will find someone hanging out.( our days are your nights) I love the story about your Mum's dress family stories are the very best try to remenber them now to see you thur. Sending prayers and hugs Sally