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Blog Comments posted by HostSally

  1. Glad that you came back and vented here. Sorry to hear about Marc and all of his issues but like other have said before you need to take care of yourself and be in a safe and quite place. Maybe you could talk to Marc about going to see a Dr and getting a nerve block for his back to stop the pain and them some help with his anger. Take care you are in my thoughts and prayers Sally

  2. it sure does.

    Things here have been quite. Don sort of took to his chair and doesn't want to do much. He is off most of his anti-depressate and we go back to the Dr next week for a med adjustment,hoping that this time we get better results. Going to let him just be for the time being going to try to get him up to some of his friends house this Sat. for a day with the boys. Keep you finger cross that I can prey him out of his chair LOL

  3. Sue

    Enjoy your time with your daughter and relax,things have a way of working out. You are the best, and a great role model to us all. You have so much to give so take soon time and figur out what YOU want to do. You and your family all always in my prayers. Take care and enjoy your week with your daughter and her family. See you in chat when you get back.



  4. Welcome to our wacky world of stroke. If you can join us in the caregiver chats on Tuesday nights at 8 pm EST or Thursday night at 8 PST. The groups are fun and lots of great information is shared by people that are walking your walk. Hope to see you soon Sally

  5. Sue

    This is what blogging is all about getting your feelings out and sometimes when we write our minds wrap around things a little better.

    Come here and do what you have to do for yourself we don't need a fake Sue and you don't have to waste your engery on trying to be cheerful when you are not, your journey right now sucks and I wish I could do something to help you out.

    Know that you have many friends here and we all love you and feel your pain so blog what you feel. Get it off your chest.

    As always you and Ray are in my prayers Sally

  6. Wes

    Sorry to hear about your wife. Please take care of yourself too. The role of caregiver is now yours. You know one side of stroke now you are going to learn the other. You do have an advandaged here because you are a survivor God does not give you more then you can handle.

    Come join us in Caregiver Chat on Tuesday or Thursday we will help you out as best we can. Take care Sally