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Blog Comments posted by HostSally

  1. Ruth

    I'm sitting here reading your post and laughing I can just see Don pulling a stunt like that on me and how pisssed off I would be at him :bop: but you have to be smiling a little about it now. Sometimes I get so mad at Don but then after I calm down I can find the humor in it. Hope that you have a less stressful week. Take care Sally

  2. WOW Deb

    Bruce is good at saving a buck I'm the same way. My friends call me Sally save a buck :roflmao: So glad to hear that Bruce is doing this it has to help the mind.

    Good luck with getting all of your duck together. I hate when things build up and have to make appointments days in a row I feel like I will forget something and let one of the many balls that we caregiver have in the air drop. Don does not do well with appointments that are back to back one day after another so I have learned to be very careful with that.

    Carl need to be clone so that the rest of us can have one. :Clap-Hands: LOL You have your Carl, Sarah has her Red,you both deserved them I'm so happy for you both.

    Take care see you in Chat Sally

  3. Sue


    So glad that you got away and had some rest, good food and company, you sure did need that.

    Go with what your heart tells you to do with Ray's care but I do agree with Deb to try and see what happens. Hopefully it is just a med problem if not you will know more than you do right now. I believe that knowledge it power.

    As always you and Ray are in my prayers and I think about you daily and send you long distant hugs.

    Take care and hope to see you in chat Sally :hug:

  4. Hi Mike

    Happy to heard that you are back home, now please take it easy and build yourself up slowly, it will be worth the wait. Let others help you cause it makes them feel good too,remenber how you use to feel when you knew you were helping someone out, let others feel that joy. Take careof yourself and Kitty and tell Rose that I said hello. Sally

  5. Sue

    Take some time for you to get your head wrap around the new "normal". As Host you are the best and this site needs you and the sound advice that you give. I wish that I could have some good advice for you cause you always had some for me. Right now things are so out of whack for you that you don't know if you are coming or going. Take time to take a walk or work in you garden and think God will show you the way. You and Ray as always are in my prayers. :hug:

  6. Sorry the I will miss you this week in chat We are heading for the National for Drag Racing in Reading so I have some packing to do.

    So glad to see this post I was hoping that you or Rose would so that I would know before we leave for our weekend. Prayer were answered and hoping for a fully recovery once you have the pacer put in.

    Take care Sally

  7. Believe in Miracles they happen everyday. Here's a big hug :hug: from me to you. You are aloud to come here an vent that is what you teach each of us so do it, it helps you clear you heart and mind.

    Hope that you are feeling better and that you get some of that old lady kick butt thing going when you get to the hospital next. Stand in the hall and tell anyone that will listen that YOU ARE A CARER AND HAVE BEEN FOR LONGER THEN ANYONE ELSE HERE NOW. Make someone listen to you and get the information that you want and need, you have rights too.

    As always you and Ray are in my prayer. :please: take care of yourself. Sally

  8. Great news hope that you can pop in on us tonight and catch us all up. I would understand if you went for a walk or just sat with your eyes closed.

    When I was on the road I listen to books on tape you might want to try that to help pass the time that you are traveling. Remember to take care of Sue. We are all praying for you and Ray. Take care Sally

  9. I'm sorry to see your post about your cat. I'm a cat lover too. 17 years is a good long life and the vet specialist might not have worked on her cause of her age. Don't be mad at yourself you did what was best so that she did not suffer. Go online and read Rainbow Bridge it's short and to the point and helped me feel better after I put down my cat. Take care and think about the happy times when you played with your cat. Sally

  10. You go girl you are doing and being so great don't lower yourself to the lunchroom gossip girl crap :blah_blah: . Educate them with posters and anything that you can find on strokes maybe it will come in handy for one of them someday

    As for using the maachine can you take a plactic bag and hold it in your effected hand and get your stuff out with you good hand that is what one of my co worker does might help

    Just stay strong :You-Rock: