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Everything posted by HostSally

  1. Vent,vent, vent away :Tantrum: this is the place as we all feel your pain. Know that you and Ray our in our prayer.
  2. Hi I'm Sally and a caregiver to my hubby but I get stressed too so what I do is take a deep breath and sing the Mary Tayor Moore theme I"M GOING TO MAKE IT AFTER ALL Hope that your old enough to remenber the song LOL
  3. Welcome back we sure did miss you. :giggle: Glad to hear that your trip was wonderful and that someone eles waited on you for a change. See you in chat :yadayada: Sally
  4. Julie, Congratulations on making it thur the first and worst year. They do get better cause we as caregiver get better and know more and the stress is a little less. I still cry when I think of the weekend that Don stroked and how I didn't do anything for him thinking that it was just the flu that was going around at that time. Take care of yourself and make sure that you get the rest that you need so that you can be the best caregiver that you can be. :Clap-Hands:
  5. :happybday: Hope that you have a good day Happy Birthday Sally
  6. I'm praying for you and Ray , God doesn't give us more then we can handle but sometimes He really tested us and you are beening tested. I will be in chat for the next few weeks so come and unload on me as I have big shoulders that you can lean on as I have lean on you. Go to the Dr's and don't leave until all your questions are answered,and DO NOT take No for an answer. Sue YOU ARE STRONGER THEN YOU KNOW I beleive that and so should you. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily Sally
  7. HostSally

    Back to work

    Debbie Glad to hear that you are getting back to work and finding that you enjoy it. It is hard at first but you will find little things as you go along to help you out take care Sally
  8. Sue Great to hear frrom you, I have missed you on Tuesdays chat. Hope that you get your lines back up and running. Don't worry so much about the dust bunnies as I found out they do not attack and are quite harmless. As for the garden watch out for sticks that move and have a rake with you so that you can push out the sticks that move near you. :stab: Take care hope to see you soon on Tuesdays Glad to hear that Ray is doing well also Sally
  9. You said it all Sue thanks for expressing yourself so that I can see that I'm as normal as you--I want to be as strong and giving as you and if you do not relize every time that I'm I chat with you and the other caregivers I feel better about how I feel so every Tuesday you remenber that when you are in chat that is the best place to be for us and it's your good deed for the day. Thank you for all that you do here and you too have a nice day
  10. Donna glad to hear that you had the biopsy done the waiting iis the hard part,but you have taking the big step forward. Know that you are in my paryers. Remenber that as a mother right now you do not know a thing but that will change in time. You will make it thur the teenage years. God doesn't give you more than you can handle Sally
  11. Hi Bart I'm Sally- Wife of Stroker- and I want to tell you to get on with your life it's Ok to had a pity party now and then but as Bonnie says don't forget to flush. We caregiver did not ask for or want the jobs that we have but we do them cause we KNOW that it would be the same if the shoe was on the other foot. I'm glad that I can help Don out and I'm sure that your wife feels the same way. Try to be as nice as you can as some days in the caregivers world are not all that fun and a few nice words can go a long way . Take care Sally
  12. HostSally

    Time moves on....

    I'm so glad to hear that you are taking care of yourself and having the tests done. You are in my prayers and I hope that all comes out well. Have a Happy New Year take care Sally
  13. Welcome Back Sue, hope to see you real soon in chat ,we have missed you :happydance: sally
  14. Donna, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. To be far form the ones that you love at a time like this is so hard. I pray for you and Kristi and your brother Joe. Thank the Good Lord that Kriti was able to talk to her grandmother and get things straight, and that your brother could get your messages to your Mother so that in her last hours she knew that you were thinking and praying for her Remenber to take care of yourself and Kristi as soon you will be a new dog owner and a great thing to do to horor your Mother. Take care and God will take care of the rest, put your trust in Him he will not let you down. You are in my prayers. Sally--Wife of Stroker