
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by wiremanranch

  1. Happy Anniversary wiremanranch!

  2. T-Shirt looks pretty awesome!
  3. I am not on any pain medication but I do take Xanax which is considered a controlled substance now. I have taken it for 8 years so I am addicted also. It keeps me at a normal place. It works and I know if i did stop taking I would not be able to do the things I can now. It works for me. maybe the pain medication is not the best thing for you and you need to detox. Find something else that will work. I just wanted to say I am in the same place. I do not like it but I am dependent on the Xanax to lead a normal life. I guess what I am trying to say is I understand. Terry
  4. Hopefully you feel better! Being sick for a few days can take a toll. And I do think you keep busy with all your church activities and in your community . And sometimes friend's are not that thoughtful. A good friend of mine lives about 11 hours away from me, he always wants me to visit but cannot seem to make the trip my way. Very frustrating sometimes, but friends are kinda like that. And enjoy that trip to England! Terry
  5. I liked the cruise. Got to meet allot of interesting people. Their is a forum on cruise critic and they have roll calls, I got to communicate with about 50 or so people. Once on the ship we all gathered at sail away. So throughout the ship during the week got to get to know a few, which was nice. And no I do not think all "smart" people are boneheads. The neurologist I was talking about, after he found out he treated me more like one of his patients and avoided me after that. And I also agree we can reduce our risk factors to decrease chronic illness. In a sense we are born with some of our "risk" factor's such as just are genetics are more prone to certain illnesses then other's.
  6. So when I went on the cruise in January I kept running in to this guy at the bar. ( Not that I hung out at the bar ) And we struck up some conversations. I even talked him into upgrading his drink package. Probably about the forth time I seen him we were talking and he said something about his life, divorce, his second wife chipped in and how he still had to work. ( He was 70) He did't have a hard life, could have passed off for 60ish. We were talking about our travels and I said something to the effect life is too short and to enjoy it. I said I had a life changing event and now I live every second to it's fullest. ( Something like that) Of course he asked what happened. I told my little buddy on the ship "I had a stroke". Well guess what…. he was a Neurologist. Asked me what I did wrong. Hmm…. I told him I was born. Just lucky. He gave me a few pointers. Watch my red meat, alcohol and left. The guy could not even remember his room card, when he was sitting with me at the bar!. Just amazing who you can run into. And yeah he was a bonehead! Terry
  7. Happy Anniversary wiremanranch!

  8. It's been awhile since I have posted anything. Life has been too busy, needs to slow down a little. Everything is going well. We just got back from a Eastern Caribbean Cruise that went to San Juan, St Thomas, and St Maarten. The change in the weather was nice as we left Jan 10th and ended Jan 17th. I was in the 70's and 80's while back home it was terrible weather. Of course it was also nice the Buckeye's won the National championship. So some changes in the same ol' life. Only gained about 3 pounds so better then the average 1 pound a day that was what to be expected. Meet some interesting people and had a great time. I will get on a little more regular as I do like to keep in touch with all of you. Terry
  9. Sounds like you had a great time! We were there during rodeo days at Cheyenne then made the big loop to Grand Teton's and Yellowstone-Cody. That is some beautiful country!
  10. wiremanranch

    Time Go By Fast!!

    Fred that is great that your trip is almost near! Here's wishing you all the luck you need. Hopefully you win allot of cash! Terry
  11. That is great news! And also a visit with your grand daughters!
  12. Lindsey Sterling is amazing. Lzzy Hale is guest vocals from Halestorm. . They have several videos on You Tube.
  13. wiremanranch

    Better Every Day

    That is great news!
  14. This past week we went camping with some out of state friends and all the family at a local campground. I took a few days off of work and was able to get a site on a short notice. We headed out. It was the first time I pulled our rv with the new truck. It was about an hour and a half drive. We got about 12 miles from the campground a a little old lady passed me when I was turning onto another highway. ( i am not making this up) Beeping her horn and pointing to the back of my rv. i finished the turn and stopped the truck. I went back to the trailer and all four tires were smoking and extremely hot! I looked under the trailer and noticed flames from the drivers wheel well. I panicked. I grabbed a case of bottled water and was using it to put out the fire and just to cool everything down. I had just passed the center line of the highway so I was under the camper and my legs was hanging over the center line. ( not smart) A sheriff deputy stopped and helped also called the fire department. The fire was out just wanted to make sure nothing else present with thermal imaging gun. The wheel liner had melted and was against my tire. Big crowd…. Got the trailer jacked up and removed the tire. About 10 of our family and friends showed up at the site to kinda assist. I drove to the campsite with 3 tires. Parked it, set up the camper, dug it the cooler and got a cold one. Next day cut the wheel liner out, put the tire on. Looks like the electric over hydraulic brakes on the camper did not like my factory truck brake controller. Just got done talking to the adjuster. Looks like everything is covered. Good thing, as it basically wasted wheels, tires, calipers, rotors. (allot of parts) Just another day in my life!
  15. wiremanranch


    I'm gonna fall in the kinda grumpy grandpa category. Some because I struggle with the common sense stuff. Like striking up a conversation or saying any type of greeting. Of course my better half always keeps me in line. I guess I never really was a softie. I do tell my family I love them and I do try to create those perfect memories. Just sometimes other thought processes get in the way. I'm a little rough around the edges but my family is ok with that. Kaelyn is 8 and was only one when I had my stroke. Born on my birthday. Now that is something special. And Jemma is 3. She is our little miracle as she was born weighing less then 3 pounds. When my son asks her "How does Papa go" she say's "Grrr" I'm ok with that. And everyone's situation is different. We try to plan numerous family outings every year and just do stuff with the granddaughters. So even a grumpy grandfather still has a shot. : )
  16. Sounds like you have a plan! You are way too busy! I am amazed at all that you do. Time to take care of you, if you feel you are a little overwhelmed slow it down a little bit and enjoy life. Let some of the others pick up some slack. Sounds like they need too! Relax! Terry
  17. wiremanranch

    The Big Picture

    That is awesome that the procedure went as planned and you have seen allot of improvement from the past year and your legs are getting the blood supply they need! I would feel the same way about not being patient! But maybe leave the PT advice up to the experts. : )
  18. wiremanranch

    Home Again

    That's great that you are home and will start the PT soon!
  19. Great with the release date, will not be long now. I never tried the wi, I think I'd have to have a few extra tv's as I am sure a hand controller would be sailing towards it.
  20. That's great! Glad you have made it possible to return back to work. I like my job. It is challenging and varies from day to day. When I am thinking about retirement in the next 4-7 years I am going to have to find something to keep me busy or the transition from working to retiring will not go well. Sounds like you have found a happy medium, Enjoy! I think Johnny Q Public can be very interesting at times! Terry
  21. wiremanranch

    moving to rehab

    I am glad your moving right along! Soon you will be home! Terry
  22. That is great news! Now on to recovery! Terry
  23. Well at least he finished his hand! Good thing you were close, but bad you had to pay with a ER visit.It is amazing what you can do if you have to. Had to be a long 5 minutes!