
Stroke Survivor - male
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Posts posted by wiremanranch

  1. I was constantly comparing myself post stroke to how I used to be. If I made a mistake I over analyzed everything and could not accept the fact that it happened or it could have been avoided. After my stroke my anxiety was through the roof. Did not like crowds, could not go anywhere in public. It did change. I went and seen a psychiatrist, he experienced a stroke also. He was a big help with me accepting what had happened to me physically and mentally. And you are right no one will really understand except you. And really, that is the only person that needs to understand. Just from the time I have been on here you have set goals for yourself and have achieved them and succeeded. Time to set some new goals.


  2. Stu I feel the same way. Or I am paranoid that they are obvious. When I tell people I had a stroke they kind of put me under the mircoscope looking for anything obvious. Sometimes if they say something a little stupid I tell tell it's a good thing they did'nt have a stroke because they don't have the brain cells to loose. :) I think I compound my deficiets more as I am very aware of everything I do or say. I am very fortunate I have minimal physical issues. Right arm and hand weak and clumbsy hand syndrome. I actually think of what I am going to be saying as I do not want to make mistakes. If I am tired I react a little slower. Nothing new to anyone here.

