
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by wiremanranch

  1. Have fun Fred! Take some of that Casino money home! Terry
  2. I can understand the anxiety part and glad that everything turned out the best. In these times it usually goes the other way. I think that was the best resolve for everyone. Terry
  3. Hmm... I do agree a stroke is by no means mild. Panic attacks I have had a few. Can it be managed.... Yes. Can your family be managed yes. You still are trying to heal. it takes at least six months. I went back to work after three days in the hospital. Not a hero, just stupid. know the fog feeling. hang in there it does get better.And you will be able to manage your family. It is like a roller coaster but you never can seem to get off the ride.Soon you will have more control. Terry
  4. wiremanranch

    Every little thing

    That is good news about he roof! This winter has been too crazy! Ready for it to be done. Key Lime Pie sounds good, and it' s nice that you are helping your brother and sil. Key Lime Pie hmm... Kinda reminds me of summer time. Can you change the weather while your at it? Terry
  5. You are a busy man! I am also ready for spring. This winter has been really rough. I am thinking maybe put some heat strips on that roof! : ) Terry
  6. Sounds like you have a plan! A convertible sounds like fun. A buddy of mine for the past two years has been playing the guitar. Does really well. And it would be kinda cool strumming away by the campfire! Where did you find a convertible in your neck of the woods? Terry
  7. Jamie, Glad your back and thankful for the update. Maybe before the drywall/ceiling is fixed you might want to wear a helmet!
  8. My toes (nails) look like crap. Last year I had a incident with my big toe. I was landscaping with large limestone and was of course in my flip flops and the stone rolled over my foot somehow. : ) I went and they removed the nail. I did't think they were going to stop trimming my toenail. Sounds like everything worked out ok!
  9. Fred take care of yourself and we will see you soon.
  10. I think you have it all figured out. And had allot of examples of the good side. Life is tough.... sounds like you two are a little tougher. And those good days are nice to have. Terry
  11. I'm thinking..... No mailbox. No bills...... oh and the commode bucket is a nice touch. Terry
  12. It's allot easier when it's 70 out then when it is below zero. It started early and it just will not give us a break. I am ready for a little warn weather too.
  13. That is great that you are feeling better!
  14. Made it back from Antigua. Very interesting trip. When we flew into Atlanta we had what the pilot described as a "landing miss". As we approached the runway for landing they suddenly aborted and began to climb. Not a very good feeling. I guess due to the storm and tornado sitings we stayed in a holding pattern for about an hour. The airport was completely shutdown. When we did finally land we rushed to our connecting flight. Waited another hour and a half for every to board and headed out on the pad to wait another two hours for the final leg of our four and half hour flight to Antigua. I would have much waited at the gate then wait 3.5 hours in a seat on a plane. Sandals resort was nice. But it was kinda like ground hog day...... about the same routine everyday. I did go snorkeling and that was again interesting. The better half wanted to go. So I took some quick lessons plus one key note is I cannot swim. I put my flippers, mask and snorkel on and went in the pool. The first attempt I kinda forgot to use my feet (flippers) The instructor asked me if I would use them the next time around. I did.... and he passed me. We headed out to the ocean, got suited up with my little blow up vest and snorkeling gear and jumped in. I was not very graceful. Kept sucking in salt water, went for about 15 minutes, the boys on the boat kept asking me if I wanted to come in. I think I was in agreement, I ended up taking my flippers of about 15 feet from the boat. Big mistake, started going with the current. Kinda looked like Baywatch when they threw me the little bobber and pulled me in. On the plus side when I finally got into the boat they did point me to the cooler. So I set next to it and watched everyone else snorkel. I was ok with that. It was a good time. Very stress free vacation. (Except for the snorkeling) Terry
  15. Not me. Probably never. Why should I? I want just to be recalled a few times after I'm gone. I live a little fast. I ride a motorcycle on plavix and aspirin, and of course shorts and flip flops. I have one tattoo and want more. i have a few ideas just need to get it done. I am coming up on 51 soon and I have no plans to slow down. I am in a good place..... how long I have no idea. I am going to enjoy it though, and live each day like it was the last. Oh.... and i still like this music. Weird huh? The point...... I want to live life. Where it takes me will be the fun part!
  16. Well someone had the right idea! Sure beats the -40 degree wind chill. I do not like to gamble but I do like Vegas. Might have to try that next year. That's great that your son was there to help. Terry
  17. So i had a personal goal set for myself that I would be at a certain weight by Jan. 11. I did't make it. So initially i bought all the clothes I would need for my trip I am going on. I did't realize how large of a goal I set. ( The summer clearance at Macy's was cheap, bargain shopping!) Well i did not make my goal. I started the weight loss campaign about the 1st of November. I exercised and actually watched my diet. I was able to lose 23#. So not bad for 2 1/2 months. Not depressed.... just had a little higher expectations then actual. So I have to stretch out the timeframe a little. This summer I should be in decent shape. I am on the elliptical two times a day @ 30-40 minutes. So I am trying. it was very interesting in the beginning. I started on the treadmill, it killed me. The elliptical was allot better. Anyway.... Antigua here I come. And yeah, I am going to gain a little back as it is a all inclusive, but hey you only go around once! Terry
  18. Ouch on the tooth! Keep on hanging on and do not drop the shoe! Good luck with the dentist and they defiantly can leave out the phrase painless. The beginning on a new year..... It can start out with joy and we can go from there ..... : ) Terry
  19. i believe destiny is the decisions we make regarding our choices in life. I do think choices sometimes can be limited. Without setting some type of goals the results will be minimal. Without action you have reaction. I think we are in control of our destiny, and how much control depends on you.
  20. I'll take one with my Tommy Bahama "Dr Cocktail" shirt. I think I put a hurt on the Tommy Bahama shirts on ebay. LOL Only way to shop!
  21. My wife and I this past October celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary. She might want to put in for some type of medal for putting up with me! We were married young, she was 19 and I was 20. Its been an interesting journey and would't change a thing. So we decided to celebrate the occasion by going somewhere this winter. I do not know how it happened but somehow I got conned into going to Antigua. it started out as a cruise, then was going to go to Jamaica, then turned into the Antigua trip. We started planning about a month ago. I also started dieting and exercising. ( Gotta look good in the swim trunks) I lost about 20 pounds, still got to go another 10 pounds . I have a month do get this done. I also have been doing a little portion control and using the elliptical. I was on the treadmill at first and I thought my legs were going to snap. It has been very painful to develop a routine, but I will continue on. I have to ... I bought alot of cool clearance beach wear. Of course a couple sizes smaller just to make it interesting. Wish me luck. I have some incentive so motivation is here, I plan on exercising daily so I can maintain a healthy weight in the future. We will see what happens. Terry
  22. Fred, That's great you two got out and had a good time! Keep taking the casino's money! Terry
  23. Sounds like you had a good time and you were set up with the security camera(s) . Full disclosure sometimes does not work, and everyone needs a break! Terry