
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by wiremanranch

  1. I do not mind the fall but winter is really long and boring. We are planning a sunshine trip in January. Hopefully that will brighten me up a little : ) My MIL just had a hip replacement she could barley get around so in her case it is a good choice. She was in allot of pain. My dad needs a knee replacement. He refuses too get one. Maybe he will change his mind. The defensive driving for senior citizens sounds interesting. I guess any age. Just wear a helmet!


  2. I was more worried about the age then the mileage. We were at the right place to sell it. Due to the condition I was able to get a good price for it. Instead of trading it in and giving it away I was able to get retail. We pull a camper and go quite a bit. It is an expensive hobby that I will not maintain when I retire. But for now I will get a new truck and polish on it hopefully for another 10 years.

  3. I am glad that you are having some better days and more too come . You definitely deserve it! Sounds like the Shih Tzu, Molly I think has got your attention. My BIL/SIL have one. They are very funny dogs. Prances around like a little princess. Now I think you should have taken your brother up on the bulldog. I have an English Bulldog and she is just big and goofy. I will throw in lazy too. Anyways I have missed you on here! See you around!


  4. I had a hard time accepting me after my stroke. That I was't the same me and that I had several issues that were basically not going to go away. I was always constantly aware of any mistake I made, my strength lost in my arms..... my speech.... I do not think taking a pill is the answer. I take too many now. I have less trouble now as I have accepted me. It took me along time, and I did go to some counseling and it actually helped. And saying to myself that I am not perfect and not trying to meet some standard I set for myself and then feel like i failed . Because I was my worst enemy. I can deal with the others.


  5. Yeah, This guy is not very bright. And I do believe the majority of attitudes is.. "it has not happened to me yet, so i do not care". I am not that sensitive but when I hear comments like that it really makes me.... well angry. LOL . I do not discuss with anyone at work about how I am feeling or any details about my stroke. They could care less, I know that and I am ok with it. I am happy I still got a great life.

  6. George make sure you go to the West Side Market when you are in Cleveland. It is a must see. Also not far from Cleveland is Holmes County which is one of Ohio's Amish communities. It would make for a good day trip. Take a look at both on the internet. If you are interested in Holmes county let me know I am familiar with the area.


  7. Jamie, Good to hear about the carotid arteries are clear and that you are getting treatment for your irregular heart beat. Is it like A-Fib. I did not know what cardiomyopathy was until now. And as Donna has stated with the aggressive treatment there is hope that your EF number will improve.


  8. Thats great to hear about the psychologist and sounds like the visit went pretty good. My wife and I both went in for the first sesions and it helped both of us with understanding. And towards the end I just went in by myself. I do deal with things differently now, next step is for me to reduce my meds.
