
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by wiremanranch

  1. Fred, Hopefully with some tests they find out what is going on. Good luck with the puppies! Terry
  2. Jamie, I liked the poem. Everything changes. Sometimes slower for others, sometimes faster for some. And being a stroke survivor on top of all the other stuff that gets thrown our way is tough. Terry
  3. wiremanranch


    I do not mind the fall but winter is really long and boring. We are planning a sunshine trip in January. Hopefully that will brighten me up a little : ) My MIL just had a hip replacement she could barley get around so in her case it is a good choice. She was in allot of pain. My dad needs a knee replacement. He refuses too get one. Maybe he will change his mind. The defensive driving for senior citizens sounds interesting. I guess any age. Just wear a helmet! Terry
  4. I was here about two weeks ago. There was a grandmother that tried the hillclimb , she was 65 years old. She made it to the second hill before she wiped out. She was unbelievable! ( She was not seriously hurt) I would not even want to attempt something like this. Even when I was a little more stupid 30 years ago. It was defiantly an interesting event. Maybe about 20 to 30k people. They have been doing this hill climb for 64 years. We rode the bikes up, getting there was also interesting as it was very hilly and allot of traffic. It was a fun time. Terry
  5. I think that is a great idea! Can't wait to see those pics next year! Terry
  6. wiremanranch

    My Personal Best

    Dave Wow! That is awesome! Keep on keeping on ! Terry
  7. Fred good to hear you got what you did. Six more sessions is better then nothing. Keep ahead of the pneumonia. Terry
  8. I was more worried about the age then the mileage. We were at the right place to sell it. Due to the condition I was able to get a good price for it. Instead of trading it in and giving it away I was able to get retail. We pull a camper and go quite a bit. It is an expensive hobby that I will not maintain when I retire. But for now I will get a new truck and polish on it hopefully for another 10 years.
  9. Well... not exactly! I sold it. And of all places on ebay. I tried to get my BIL to sell it (he has a car lot) but typically like a car salesman, he did not take any of my many hints. So I put an ebay ad together and listed my best friend! I bought it new so i was a little attached. 2004 model.... diesel..... DRW... King Ranch, hince the WiremanRanch started. Sold it.... to a guy in North Carolina. He bought it as a company truck. I was a little taken back by all that but hey... he bought it. The truck had 58,000 miles on it. And looked like new. I took a 1/2 day off work to completely detail it. The next day two guys show up to drive it back to Ky. I went over the truck.... they could care less. (They did't own it) So one guy asks about the tags. Hmm.... I am not giving up my custom W Ranch tag. So I told them he could get a temp tag in town. So spent an hour at the DMV. Got back, put the tag on, and they headed off. (I had already been paid by wire transfer) So I never heard from the buyer until the following Monday night. Basically five days went by.... He said the truck broke down and the gauges pointed to the fuel pump. ? The guy that picked my truck up did not even no how to start it. Turn the ignition of and wait for the glow plugs to charge. I told the buyer I had zero problems with the truck and he told me it had stalled two times and he was getting it checked out. You just cannot make this stuff up. So I sold the ol' girl on ebay...... and it has been interesting. I'm in a calm place right now..... Looking for a new truck. :big_grin: Terry
  10. I am glad that you are having some better days and more too come . You definitely deserve it! Sounds like the Shih Tzu, Molly I think has got your attention. My BIL/SIL have one. They are very funny dogs. Prances around like a little princess. Now I think you should have taken your brother up on the bulldog. I have an English Bulldog and she is just big and goofy. I will throw in lazy too. Anyways I have missed you on here! See you around! Terry
  11. I got an epi pen. Let me know when you want to try! I only use mine when i get attacked by a hornet. (Just one is all it takes.) Terry
  12. I had a hard time accepting me after my stroke. That I was't the same me and that I had several issues that were basically not going to go away. I was always constantly aware of any mistake I made, my strength lost in my arms..... my speech.... I do not think taking a pill is the answer. I take too many now. I have less trouble now as I have accepted me. It took me along time, and I did go to some counseling and it actually helped. And saying to myself that I am not perfect and not trying to meet some standard I set for myself and then feel like i failed . Because I was my worst enemy. I can deal with the others. Terry
  13. George, Sounds like you had a great time and met some wonderful people. And life can change in an instant so why not enjoy it now. It's nice to travel and to see and experience new things. Sounds like you are doing just that. Enjoy! Terry
  14. Sounds like you got allot going on! It will be worth it when it is done.
  15. Yeah, This guy is not very bright. And I do believe the majority of attitudes is.. "it has not happened to me yet, so i do not care". I am not that sensitive but when I hear comments like that it really makes me.... well angry. LOL . I do not discuss with anyone at work about how I am feeling or any details about my stroke. They could care less, I know that and I am ok with it. I am happy I still got a great life.
  16. I was talking with this co-worker at lunch the other day. A guy we knew passed out behind the wheel of his car and crashed into a tree. My lunch buddy asked me how the retirement worked. He thought his wife would get nothing with his retirement and then we talked about life insurance. ( This is how smart he is) We have a policy at work that pays you 2x your yearly earnings as long as you are employed over and above your other life insurance policies. My lunch buddy said to me after that revaluation that I was a walking lottery ticket. For some reason at that point I wanted to take my numb hand and knock his teeth down his throat. ( I did not do that) I informed him that he also was in the same boat as a walking lottery ticket as he has high cholesterol and high blood pressure. So.... I handled it well considering. Maybe I won't be so nice next time. Terry
  17. George make sure you go to the West Side Market when you are in Cleveland. It is a must see. Also not far from Cleveland is Holmes County which is one of Ohio's Amish communities. It would make for a good day trip. Take a look at both on the internet. If you are interested in Holmes county let me know I am familiar with the area. Terry
  18. George those are some beautiful pictures! I can see why you are planning next years trip. Is your Motorhome manufactured in Cleveland?
  19. Ok.... I am usually adventurous and love to plan our camping trips. I have one planned for this week starting today. It was to Indiana near Bloomington on Lake Monroe. It is a beautiful lakefront site. The problem? I have an aluminum trailer (Airstream) and we have strong thunderstorms coming in later tonight with a good possibility of hail. So I am doing some downtime at home waiting until tomorrow to leave. I will have three days instead of four and it is still calling for thunderstorms 20-30%. Currently the bike is loaded and ready. Just need to make a decision if I am still going to take it. My wife has never rode in a thunderstorm. LOL So I think it would take her awhile to forget about riding in a torrential downpour. One plus.... I do have rain gear. But I am thinking it will not be enough. :badmood: So if anyone needs the weather report for Bloomington Indiana today I could probably help you out! P.S. I am still taking the bike. Terry
  20. LOL Now that is a good story. Good thing you have pictures to back it up. I am thinking maybe the van not such a good investment! Looks like everyone had a great time! Terry
  21. wiremanranch

    Going on the run

    Wow! Sounds like you have worked hard getting to where you are at! Have fun! Terry
  22. That is great! Plus a Motorhome that gets 20mpg. Can't beat that. We have quite a few trips planned this year also. I like camping I just hate getting everything ready. LOL Happy Trails George! Terry
  23. Jamie, Good to hear about the carotid arteries are clear and that you are getting treatment for your irregular heart beat. Is it like A-Fib. I did not know what cardiomyopathy was until now. And as Donna has stated with the aggressive treatment there is hope that your EF number will improve. Terry