
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by wiremanranch

  1. Good to hear everything worked out the easy way. (RV dealers can be a pain sometime.) I enjoy traveling with the rv. I have seen allot of neat places and met allot of people along the way. And you are doing the best thing.... enjoying your life! Have fun with that new motorhome!


  2. It's working so far. I handle situations much better then I used too. I wish I would have went a long time ago. My anxiety level is going down and the plan is to reduce some of my meds this year. I do not think I will be anxiety free but maybe I can deal with it in a better way other then medication. That will be my goal.


  3. Wow I missed allot. I think the guy should have sugar coated it a little. You still have more tests to complete. And I think it is way to much information for a preliminary visit. Is this the cardiologist or you PCP ? And doctors do not know everything. They mis-diagnose everyday. And their is hope and other probabilities. Can you see another specialist for another opinion? I seen two nuero's when I had my stroke. One said I had a stroke the other said I had MS. The guy that told me I had MS was wrong. It was my first visit with him. Wait until all the tests come back in. You are a survivor.

  4. The ship is called Monarch of the Seas. Owned by Royal Caribbean.( it was built in 1991 and refurbished in 2003) RCI is selling it in April so we will be one one of the last to sail with her. We will be leaving out of Port Canaveral . Four night cruise to the Bahamas to Nassau. Ok for my first cruise My BIL planned it. It should be nice. And we never do anything on the wife's side of the family. I'll have to go on a little diet when I come back. : )


  5. I was concerned with life insurance. I did get turned down for pre existing (stroke) a few times. My work group life plan also turned me down from increasing what I had. They switched companies and was offering additional coverage without health screenings. They initially turned me down. But I was persistent, and they approved it later.

  6. My Bro in Law has a Shih-tzu. She has the little girl syndrome and acts like a princess. She is funny. Now if you don't mind a little shedding I would suggest an English Bulldog. Ours is named Daisy and besides her rugged good looks they are very entertaining. She is a little energetic, but typically just kinda lays around. LOL We take her camping and she sits in a chair next to me . She likes everyone and is scared of everything. Good luck in your search.

  7. I like the nuts/bolts idea. Just anything to improve dexterity. My hand is maybe 30/40 % numb all the time but I do compensate and can handle almost any task. I had a screwdriver I had a work and i kept flipping it all the time until i got really good at the repeatability and it helped with my hand coordination. (Something to entertain an ol' maintenance guy) Enough for me to play on my own and see an improvement. That is great about his hand!


  8. 1. What do you want- Memories with my family.

    2. What do you need- Time.

    3. What is your greatest fear- Not being able to take care of myself.

    4. What is your dearest wish- Live live to the fullest.

    5. What do you need to be happy- No anxiety.

    6. What is your ambition- To be normal. No medication for my anxiety.

    7. What is your greatest talent- Optimistic. Problem solving.

    8. What is your most formidable obstacle- My stroke deficits.

    9. Who is your worst enemy- Myself

    10. With what part of life are you satisfied- I am not yet. My Grandchildren.

    11. What is your misery in live- My ball and chain.... Anxiety

    12. What part of your life would you change a failed effort- None. Need learning experiences.

    13. What part of your life would you change in the next year.- Try not to get chubby.

    14.What is your mission- Live Live

  9. I won't even bother to plow the driveway out with two-six inches of snow. : ) (Well maybe if no wind) This winter is crappy. One day it's 19 degrees and the next day we get up in the 50's. Everyone at work is sick, got over it, getting sick again. I have a bad sinus infection. Trying to tough it out. Not working well. I think I will invest in a government surplus flame thrower ( they have to have one laying around) and use that to take care of my drive way . This way I can melt the snow and keep a little warn at the same time. Beats getting on the tractor and freezing my butt off. Hmm... that might work.


  10. This guy was recommended by my GP. It was kind of a co-session with my wife there, he would ask me a question I would give him an answer and my wife would have an ah ha moment. I wanted her there. And it seemed to help her more then me. I think he was very observant. That's his job. I just do not think he clicked with me. He set me up with 2 appointments two weeks apart. Is this normal? I am very iffy on whether I will see him again. If I am going to try to manage this I need someone I feel comfortable with.

  11. Hmm... I think they do say coffee is actually good for you now. Maybe just not instant. I love coffee too, my Dad likes instant coffee, Folgers crystals. I wonder what the crystals do? LOL My daughter has a Breville, grinds and brews. I am stuck with the K cups. Of course when I am at work I get the gourmet coffee out of the huge machine. Now that is some baddd coffee.


  12. I have been looking at what Jamie posted and am going to give it a try. Just started to look at it. Makes sense. It is definitely worth a try. I went browsing a little on the net to see if they had any groups in Ohio, but I think Jamie had allot of detail for me to get started. I just want to find different alternatives then medication and this looks like a good one to start. And ol' Edmund wrote the book 75 years ago and it's still around, so something must be working.