
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by wiremanranch

  1. This is a very touchy subject. It is really too late for gun control. We have already flooded the market many times in the past every time this happens. And who commits these crimes? The mentally ill. In all the past cases it has been someone with a severe metal disorder. Weather it is a AR15 semi auto rife a 9mm handgun or a shotgun. Now i do think all the high capacity mags should be banned... meaning you cannot own a high capacity mag. If you are caught in procession you would be severely fined. No one needs 30 round clip's. Period. They tried too do this before and the dealers just made money. Pre ban Post ban. Just do away with the high capacity mags and the AR15 would just be the same as a hunting rifle. The mental illness is another story.

  2. I would not want to do this for a living, but I am grateful I still can. And a little hard work never hurt anyone. Ok who said that? It does hurt. LOL But you can bet I will be rocking those owl lights this summer. With a huge amber glow of my campfire. LOL


    Ok..... How do you add a pic. I really tried but for some reason I am having a little trouble. : )

  3. I had the same thing earier this year. i had a change in my health ( Sinus infection) that led to headaches when I was just running out to the car to warm t up during the winter months. I ended up getting an MRI . Everything came back no change. They gave me muscle relaxers for my anxiety. I am already stretched out on the anxiety meds and really can't go too much higher. I am doing accupuncture which really seems to help. I need to go to a counsler but I have'nt found one yet. I ultimately want to get off the xanax. Find a way to control my anxiety without the meds.

