Nick Horton

Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by Nick Horton

  1. Happy Anniversary Nick Horton!

  2. Walking at New Years last year and just happened to look up
  3. Nick Horton

    Nick Horton

    I have an AVM in my left parietal lobe? or frontal? It went undetected for the first 26 years of my life. When I think back now maybe there were signs - but nothing major and I think I probably passed them off as something unimportant. Maybe it was just my age - I think I thought I was invincible? How wrong I was, aye! My AVM (which is like a tangle of veins in your brain or a tumour) burst Oct 20th 2005 while I was alone. After three scary days I found out what had happened. I remember going through a couple of days of depression - the thought of not being able to move my entire right hand side was a bit too much really, and considering I was right handed! Well that was just insane. Simple things like getting dressed, scratching an itch, having a shave suddenly became intense times of intense concentration :Tantrum: Everyone was fantastic, doctors, nurses, PT, OT. I met some amazing people who really changed my perspective. My arm came back pretty quickly (2-3 months) then slowly my leg is coming back. I was able to stand without help at about 3-4 months. Then small steps, then bigger steps. Wow, walking 500 metres - wow can now walk to corner shop and back. I work hard on it (always think I could work harder). Now I am getting a little bit more strength :happydance: . About six months ago I got my drivers license back. YAY! FREEDOM! Scary but free. I have just begun attempting to run - still have foot drop - but I am getting a little spring off the foot and the occasional lifting of toes.
  4. From the album: Radiosurgery

    The machine that did the stereotactic radiosurgery.
  5. Nick Horton


    Went down to Dunedin in Lower South Isaland in New Zealand for radiosurgery
  6. From the album: Radiosurgery

    A fun little brace they put on my head to keep my head still during the operation - screwed right into my skull...eek!