
Stroke Survivor - female
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About snowbritnj

  • Birthday 07/03/1967

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    New Jersey

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  4. Hello, My name is Sarah. I am a stroke survivor of some 7 years now (doesn't time fly when you're having fun!!!) & have been an on off member of this board for some time, but in the last 18 months or so have rather fallen by the wayside. I'm now trying to get back on track. So here I am. Since I was last here, I have moved from one end of New Jersey to another (now living in the South, half way between Philly & Atlantic City), bought a house & even got a part time job (which is turning out to be anything BUT part time!) I have 2 children aged 5 & 8, so a lot of my rambling will no doubt centre around their antics as they constantly amuse me with things they do & say. As I haven't managed to have a full night's sleep since I don't know when, I'm hoping that maybe, writing this blog will be a means of getting my mind to relax. I do hope that in the process I don't send you to sleep though. One of the things with which I am involved is The Herb Society, & on Sunday we have a teaparty. For the event, I have been baking shortbread biscuits. But not your average Delia Smith variety (for any of you familiar with the British Guru of cooking). No, my shortbread biscuits contains sage, or thyme or rosemary. I first experimented with putting sage in the biscuits for our meeting in December. They were such a hit that I thought it wouldn't be that much harder to make a big enough batch to feed 70 people, so that's what Victoria (the 8 year old AKA Snowflake) & I did yesterday as she was off school. All went well until we ran out of unsalted butter so I need to make another trip to the supermarket today, in between taking Snowflake to Hockey & Libby (the 5 year old) to a friend's house & bathe the dog (a one year old English - what else??? - Bulldog called Ponsonby) & maybe speak to Tom (the hubby, all before 6pm!! Oh & housework??/ SHould that be done at some point???? Tonight, my husband & I have a date at the theatre!! In December, Snowflake, Tom & I made up half of the Cratchet family in a production of Christmas Carol. The show this evening is one in which Christmas present is appearing (gary in real life!). The girls are going to a friend's house around the corner & Tom & I are off to be grown ups for a couple of hours. Should be nice. Well, if I don't fall asleep in the middle of the play, I'll let you all know how the weekend went. Hereby ends the first installment of Sarah's blog!