
Stroke Caregiver - female
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About jldunston

  • Birthday 03/16/1977

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  1. Happy Anniversary jldunston!

  2. Happy Anniversary jldunston!

  3. Happy Birthday jldunston!

  4. Happy Birthday jldunston!

  5. Happy Anniversary jldunston!

  6. Thanks again for all the replies and I apoligize if it takes a while for me to reply to PM's
  7. [ It ain't fair....None of my friends...I look terrible.... Uhhhhhh....I found out about friends (and relatives) too.... We're finding out about friends ,, I think that bothers her as much as the dissabilities .. The people that help us are they people I never would have expected , I actually barely knew them before and the folks that we would have killed for are the ones we never hear from .. last week I read an thread talking about why some people help and some run away ,,, It was like I wrote every reply . Thanks for all the replies
  8. Thanks for the replies , My wife has sat at the computer a few times but still has trouble reading , She's weak on her right side , she is able to walk , when we leave the house she uses an AFO . Her right arm has come along way . well ,, everything has come a long way . They thought she might not make it when she got to ICU and then thought she might not get out of bed but she left rehab 4 months later walking a little . She still has cognitive issues sometimes . she was 30 when she had the stroke , she had the stroke 3 weeks after she delivered our daughter , we have 2 older kids 11 and 8 ...
  9. I'm a caregiver to my wife who had a stroke last Feb . . Now and then she has a "meltdown" of sorts because of the way things have changed in her live recently , mostly her not being able to take care of things like she did . so the question is ...... What are some things she might need to hear , things I can do to snap her out of her spell . Sometimes I talk her out of it but sometimes I'm exhausted and on the brink of my own meltdown so I don't know what to say or do . Thanks ,