
Stroke Survivor - female
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Posts posted by hmmblue

  1. I'm pretty new 2 the whole stroke thing. I feel sick when I see people staring and looking at me like I'm an alien. My speach is slured. And the best of all I have uncontrolable crying spells. I have a shuffle when I walk. Soooo I'm at the groc store shuffling down the ile crying and sluring my words. (and I wonder why people are staring)! Sometimes I stare at myself in the mirror. So how can I expect others not to stare. Yes when people here me speak they turn away or stare off. I realy don't know how I feel. I'm completly ashamed of this new person I wish I could get it togeth. I don't know how to handle any of this yet.


    Wow I sound so negitive sorry about the spelling

    Thanks for listning
