
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by PhilW

  1. PhilW
    Hello my name is phil -affectionately known as Webby. Im a West aussie who enjoys having a laugh. Two years ago my life changed, due to having this brainstem stroke, the early days were quite difficult, but now I have never looked back, as I have said to a couple of people I dont wish to post my recovery stages as to there are many out there who are still fighting recovery,it's my way of respect & I wish them well .All I can say Im getting there, slowly. To the friends of this magnificent site what can i say.... you have helped not only me but hundreds if not thousands get through this and I will always be your#1 fan and will be highly recommended by any one who asks . Im not a very good story teller, but from the botom of my heart -THANK YOU