
Stroke Survivor - male
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About lucky22

  • Birthday 03/05/1959

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  • Interests
    Main focus revolves around my wife and our 2 girls. Interests include our church, exercise / martial arts, international adoption, first-aid / EMS, coaching baseball and soccer.

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  1. Happy Anniversary lucky22!

  2. Happy Anniversary lucky22!

  3. Great post. I believe I will continue to improve. I've worked continously to improve mentally and physically since my stroke 6 months ago. One interesting thing I have found is that there have been a lot of unexpected side benefits to this. By constantly challenging myself, I think I've developed more self-discipline, patience and peace of mind. It has not been easy, but has definitely been worthwhile.
  4. Keeping you in my prayers daily. God Bless, Believe in Miracles and SOAR,
