
Stroke Survivor - female
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About leahk

  • Birthday 01/11/1979

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  1. Happy Anniversary leahk!

  2. Happy Anniversary leahk!

  3. I know all about the fear of another stroke

  4. i just wanted to say thank you all sooooo much. I am sitting here reading all of the posts and crying because it means so much to me that you understand. I thank you all for your thoughts and I want you to know that i am thinking about all of you too!! i have to go for now but i'll be back!! thank you leahk
  5. i had my stroke 9/23/7. it was a clot in the right interior capsule and adjacent thalamus. I have also had bilateral mini stokes that I didn't know that I had until I had my big one, (I have been told that I have chronic strokes) . I have noticed that I am not the same person I was before my "big one." I mean physically I am the same...I was very lucky and got all of the physical back (left side), but I notice little things that have changed...I used to have patients with my husband and my little boys, now I seem to get mad and go off at the small things. I know that I am doing it but I can't seem to stop. I am on anti depressants for depression and I think that that is taken care of. Like I said it it just small stuff. I didn't know if anyone else had noticed things like this...sometimes I feel like I am going crazy. I have to remind my self that I DID have a stroke, and I do get worn out more easily than I did before I had my stroke.. :head_hurts:.but I take one day at a time...I also wanted to say THANK YOU to all of you....I have been so alone in all of this because I haven't had anyone to talk to about any of this...my mom tries (she was an rn for many years), but she kinda wants to "forget" that it happened. That I should be the way I was before my stroke...I shouldn't sleep more, I should't get tired, I should just be the prestroke me. I am doing the best that I can, what more can I do? leah k Ischemic survivor since 9/23/7