
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by chloeb

  1. Happy Anniversary chloeb!

  2. Happy Anniversary chloeb!

  3. chloeb

    I wrote a poem

    I like your poem a lot and I was happy to read it. I have been having a tough time right now and it made me feel better I too would like to do the pony tail with one hand
  4. chloeb


    Good Luck this week I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers Connie
  5. Hello my name is Connie. I had a series of seizers I don't remember. Iwas Seven. I had a grand Mal Stoke on December 1st 1985. Before the event I was a gifted student who was above level in everything I did. After I became remedial in Math and Science areas. My memorization skills were weak as well. I think I didn't relize how the event really did effect me. I had a twin brother and younger sister who in their own way were affected as well. I wasn't supposed to live after I had brain surgery. I had a blood clot to the brain. After the evernt I was left paralezed on the left side. I wsa in a wheel chair for a long time. In May I started walking again and the following year I used a cane. Today I still wear an AFO on the left leg.After ther stoke I work a shoulder sling for subliafication.Is that spelled right? I don't wear that today. During that time thry docs put me on phenobarbatal. I stonger older drug widel;y used not im on lamictal. I always played alone today i still have that problem too not many friends... they just don't understand me They are hesitant. I am extremly lucky to have my twin brother! I never really dated in school until collage. Thats a longh story. Due to the stoke I had trouble with test. Multichoice is not too good for me essay is better. I worked really hard got my BA in Communication/English then my MEd in education. It was a miricle that I met my husband. Its so weird that we have lots in common. Right now we have been married almost 2 years. We have been dating for 5 on the 12th of October. I believe that everyone has a perpose in this world. I have learned so many things about myself and others by being the way I am I have so many issues that I deal with that no one else usually does. But I have learned so many things "normal "people dont know. Can most people dress a classroom of ten 4 year olds dress them with snow boats and snow suits and pants by themselves.. most like no. I can and with one hand. There are things people with disabilities know how to do that others can't please don't give up on yourself. Keep talking chatting and emaing others. You will make it through. Take Care Connie
  6. chloeb


    I live in the Tampa Bay Florida area. We just moved there. I had my stoke in 1985 when I was seven. :gleam: Connie