
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by Kristen

  1. Happy Anniversary Kristen!

  2. Happy Anniversary Kristen!

  3. Happy Anniversary Kristen!

  4. Hi all,

    I haven't been on here for awhile, I recently had a seizure,and ended up in intensive care, was unconcious for 5 days, they say I am now an epileptic caused by the scar on the brain from my stroke, very frustrating as I was going well in my stroke recovery. has anyone else had this?

  5. thanks memory, I have just been through a course of accupuncture and hypnotherapy, this seems to be working well for the pain, I have about a 50% improvement in pain in my left side

  6. Thank you :D Jan I needed to hear your wisdom today, I do struggle with losing the ole Kris, but I also find solace in the fact that even tho the ole Kris has gone, the new Kris has the choice to be a stronger and better person, I can now be whoever I wish to be I keep fighting the good fight, I believe I have what it takes to get through this challenge, so much more so since finding this site Kris Cheerio for now Wishing everyone a Sunshiny day
  7. Kristen


    these are pics of my family and friends who have given me sooooooooooo much love and support
  8. Kristen


    Hi Stessie thank you, I am computer literate however I am still a one handed typist, will need to relearn my typing skills but hey I'm getting good with one hand till next time Kris
  9. Kristen


    Hi Asha thank you for your encouragement, I certainly will be sticking around, I have alreay recieved so much help from this, and knowing there are people I can share with is just amazing look forward to chatting again Kris
  10. Kristen


    Jessie was so much help for me once I was home, she helped me to feel needed after being sent to whoever could look after her for months I think we needed each other thank you for such a lovely welcoming, I feel part of the family already Kris :cloud9:
  11. Kristen


    Thank you Sue, I have seen my counsellor today and today is a GOOD DAY, I am so greatful to have ound this site as I have not been able to talk with anyone in a similar situation, everyone is so genuine, I feel part of the family already.Jessie my dog has been an absolute godsend, although she was passed around to whoever could look after her while I was in hospital, the minute I came home she new I needed herlook forward to chatting more Kris
  12. Kristen


    Hi All My first blog, YAY :Clap-Hands: This is only my 3rd visit to this site, and I thank you all, I was becoming sooo very desperate to believe I was not alone on this journey, I have learned so much and cannot describe how happy I am knowing Iam not alone, I am still muddling my way around to add pics etc, but I will get there!!!!!!!! I am blessed to have such wonderful support from my partner and family, my 2 boys now 16 and 18 and my mum,dad and sisters stayed with me every day of my3 mths of hospital, my boys live 4000klms away and were home for christmas, they were all there to help me and support me through my recovery,it was so very helpful for me :laughbounce: When I awoke- I stroked in my sleep my youngest boy came in to pick me up from the floor and said "mum are you a ninny or something?" god love him, he was so frightened, as I looked ghastly with my left side of my face drooped,what came out of my mouth was SLURRRRRRRRRRR, and I just wanted to get to the loo, they called the ambulance immediately much to me trying to argue I was OK in between vomiting, Ambo's took me to the local hosp, was then transferred to the regional hosp, and 24 hrs later to Sydney to Concord Stroke unit - still violently vomiting with all the family in toe including my 97 yrold grannie who refused to leave me, she passed on in Mar this year, she was so very understanding of my plight as she wasn't very mobile either and was struggling to hold on to her independence I wont ramble too much more Kris from Oz till next time, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all :cheer: