
Stroke Survivor - female
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Blog Comments posted by Kristen

  1. Welcome

    Hey, you are really doing well if this is only your third visit to Stroke Net and you are blogging. You are definitely computer literate.


    I enjoyed your story. Look forward to future posts. We are so glad you found Stroke Net.




    Hi Stessie


    thank you, I am computer literate however I am still a one handed typist, will need to relearn my typing skills but hey I'm getting good with one hand

    till next time


  2. hey Kristen:


    welcome to this wonderful world of blogging. I find blogging hugely therupetic for readers as well as for writers. while reading other's blogs I realize I am not alone in this journey & I don't feel I have been singled out for this horrific post stroke journey. & as a writer I feel immense pleasure in reliving best moments of my life & not discard them or take them for granted.


    I hope you stick around on these site & stick with blogging, it will help you as well as others.



    Hi Asha

    thank you for your encouragement, I certainly will be sticking around, I have alreay recieved so much help from this, and knowing there are people I can share with is just amazing look forward to chatting again Kris

  3. Kris,


    Welcome to the blog Community. Blogging is such a wonderful way for everyone to become further acquainted and to share all of our ups and downs. Not only are we blessed to be survivors but to have this wonderful group to call "family".


    Jessie is absolutely adorable.


    Jessie was so much help for me once I was home, she helped me to feel needed after being sent to whoever could look after her for months I think we needed each other

    thank you for such a lovely welcoming, I feel part of the family already Kris :cloud9:

  4. Kris, Ray had his first stroke while we were on holidays in Queensland in 1990, his second and third in Bendigo ( they were the major ones which retired us both) in 1999 so I know what it is like to be far from home and in trouble. He has had two more since closer to home thank goodness and has some major health problems now but somehow we bounce back again.


    We have had amazing support over the years , often from most unexpected sources ( like our friends here at Strokenet) and although life sometimes isn't wonderful it is ALL GOOD. I think it is all about attitude and how you try to make life come back to a "new normal"again.


    Welcome to blogwold. We are like family , sharing each others troubles, triumphs, tears and laughter. So read all the blogs and reply as you are able to relate to what the blogger is going through.


    You are doing well and I loved your photos. I have only just learned to add photos after three years on the site. Call me a slow learner I guess.


    Cheers, new friend.



    Thank you Sue, I have seen my counsellor today and today is a GOOD DAY, I am so greatful to have ound this site as I have not been able to talk with anyone in a similar situation, everyone is so genuine, I feel part of the family already.Jessie my dog has been an absolute godsend, although she was passed around to whoever could look after her while I was in hospital, the minute I came home she new I needed herlook forward to chatting more Kris