
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by kwaltke

  1. Yes we all need the good kind of days where we are remembered. Happy Birthday to you Mr Ray. Happy Birthday to you. Karen A stroke survivor.
  2. Bless you. Thanks for all you do You warm my heart Karen
  3. Fred When I think of the shape I was in when I came to this board and now who I am thanks to you and all the others here I can say ciao for now .... see ya later .... later gater... With love ... With love and hugs.... But I cannot say goodbye. Here is Hoping to hear from you soon Hugs Karen
  4. Yeah Sue I need the cotton wool. I shall build a cocoon with it. HA HA and this has not even quite bleeding even with the stitches not yet anyway. This tooth situation is maddening I never in my life But as you say Donna one must not loose their sense of humor. I assure you I will not. I am at total peace.... the Lord brought me to it and will see me through it And we all know lemonade is sweet!!!! So is life!! Love Karen
  5. kwaltke


    Thats great you are really getting back your life that is fantastic
  6. Whoa! The last weeks have been lemons and trying to ever be the positive thinker I have lemonade by the rivers full!! Bill is having increased issues with his Post Polio and it was recommended by the VA that he seek Disability though Soc Security. He has rapid deteroation at the spine due to the Polio when he was a child. Of course this would run tandem to a bumper ...crop of lemons of my own. IE The toohache is still not resolved as they do not want the risk of surgery and that is what it will require. Now for the coupe de gras..... after chat this after noon I went to get a cool drink from the fridge. We had a tile break when I dropped a bowl on the floor the other day. So I quess we knew a new delivery of lemons would be forth coming. However I was not factoring cutting my foot open on the bottom on that chipped tile. Six stitches later and a scare like you would not believe as I slipped and fell in my own blood . I had so much blood so fast it really kind of scared me. I was hollering for my neighbor and Thank heavens he heard me and came a running. He got me up off the floor and wrapped my foot with a compress. I guess coumadin really adds to the excitement with a bad cut alright. I hope I have harvested the last of the lemons for the year I am getting tired of lemonade. Karen
  7. Time to Blog. Whew its been a whirlwind with Bill issues and mine lately. We are persevering. Wesley got me all fired up and Bill and I went to the pool today. I have to tell you in the shallow end it was not to bad. I am not ready to swim. Thats okay if at first you dont succed try try again. . You all have a wonderful summer or what remains of it. Karen
  8. I do what Leah does call my cell phone.. If I dont hear it I call the last few places I was at until I find it. The day my little 2 year old grandaughter was born I lost my cell phone and that proved very costly as we never did find it back. I cant manage to hang on to much. If its in my possesion it is vulnerable to loss. Karen
  9. Thats what I plan to do tomorrow. The home ownerassociation here is going to close the pool after labor day weekend Then it is off to the Rec Center No worries Karen
  10. God is always with us Leah His desire is to prosper us. Ask for what we want. I have asked to swim. Some may think well now is that a good enough reason to bother God To me yes it is. Karen
  11. Try down at the shallow end then go for the deeper end once you have not drowning mastered :big_grin: I am not giving up 2 pts for me stroke 0 Karen
  12. Lenny as a volunteer for several things over the years I know ... The volunteer positions I have loved the most is as a Hospice Caregiver volunteer. working with the patient and their families. Also being involved in helping troubled teens back in the day. Seems I really love doing volunteer work. It is the most rewarding. Karen
  13. Give up? Who me? Neva!!!!! If i drown I will have to reconsider other than that its me and my new noodles. I shall keep you informed HA Karen
  14. I sure will give that a try .... if I have difficulty walking on dry land why did I envision water to be the bees knees. I love the coolness of the water and I do have to admit I love new challenges and each thing I can gain back is a real blessing. Thanks Karen
  15. I can relate I have been to a pool I confess to the shallow area only with my cane in the water with me. However I fell off the boat last year I did have to get pulled back into the boat I am glad I had the life jacket. However you have inspired me We dont have our own private pool But we have the Assocations pool key. I am not probably the cannon ball type but I will let you know how I did tomorrow Kare
  16. I have some too I am not a good picture taker I have many flowers They are all my favorites Except I want Poppys I cannot find Poppys. Your Flowers are gorgeous Hugs Karen
  17. Thanks hon I could not do it if it were not for all my friends at stroke net. Hugs Karen
  18. Its been awhile since I have bloggedl For all the climbing I did the rollercoaster just poof to the bottom. After our sons collapsed lung our other son has been having some real difficulties. His wife remains unemployed and the finances are not stable in his line of work. Believe it or not we have not had the boat out even once yet this summer. We wont until something resloves itself regarding this tooth. We are having despite it all a wondeful time this year. I am suffering from some puzzling symtoms. I seem to be doing some regressing. I have fallen several times and I am bruising very easily and around my left wrist it seems what might look to be some little clots. I have an appointment. I believe if I have any more symptomes I might have to go to the ER if necessary. It is not same to 2nd guess what is going on . Have a great day all of you my dear friends. Your the greatest. Karen
  19. Wow what a wonderful time and so much to look forward to with a new home in the works Moving is always a pain but its nice to be able to have things as you want them from the start. Hugs Karen
  20. These are so gorgeous and my Dad loved Dalihas. He has been gone now a long time but just seeing all these well it sure brought back happy memories of Dad and his flower gardens. Karen
  21. kwaltke

    Bowling again

    Fatastic. That is super Have a wonderful time next time Its not the score you already scored a perfect game to have pcked up the ball. :happydance: :cheer: Karen
  22. How wonderful that you have had a new baby to add and multiply joy. I am a Great Grandma in May Congratulations Karen
  23. kwaltke

    Balance issues

    Sroke is never fair. It is beastly in who it strikes and what it steals from us Dont let it win. You are this close. Persevere. I am so glad you are this close to a prize.