
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by kwaltke

  1. Last week my husband took me out in the Motorhome unexpectedly and that is always a wonderful time. We thought it would be to cold for the boat but lots of Boaters were out on the water along with some really rough tuff Jet skiers. It was a wonderful time. We ate what and when we wanted and took some really nice short walks. If only every day could be like that. Its times like that I so appreciate my life long soul mate. We got home just in time to do Mothers day. Wow everyone got me the most touching gift. I am so spoiled. I am blessed with two wonderful sons and two daughter in laws that were sisters and are now sister in laws as well. I have 3 grandkids Stephanie who is about to make me a Great grand ma in about 3 weeks . Robert who is 16 and Kaylee who will be two in July. Life is so wonderful. For the last months since I joined StrokeNet I have tried to get on Chat. Guess what today was the day it all came together and I was on Chat. Now you know you cannot top that week not even with whipped cream with a cherry on Top!! Hugs Karen
  2. You are so right. It isnt even really me he disliked It was the position of my belief in who may have commited a famous murder here in Colorado I lived very close to where the murder occored and well you say that was then this is now Me and my cotinued progress in stoke recovery is..... the most important thing. Hugs Jan.
  3. Your garden sounds similar to what I am trying to achieve. Where you dont have to replant every year. My Columbine are up and my Lillies and so much This year I have added Clematis Add a couple hanging pots we are good to go. We are seriously looking to becoming Snow Birds . The winters here add so much to the pain level. I am so ready for the boat. Hugs Leah Enjoy Gods Garden Karen
  4. Thank you everyone so very much. My heart was so hurt. I cant remember ever intentionally trying to hurt anyone ever in my life and. I am glad I left I wont go back I have alot of friends there but not the Bully. I have to miss the good to avoid the destructive negativity. I love you all you have no idea how much I care for all of you. This forum is a place to be understood and not have jerks like that Hugs Karen
  5. Hi, This is my first shot at blogging. First let me say that I love reading the Blogs. Now if I can only rise to the occasion. We all need some help from our friends. The last few days I am been so very down hearted . Its a long story but I had long before my stoke joined a very divisive forum regading a situation close to my heart. This forum allows pretty much every thing. My life was so miserable becase of one the contributor members who does not agree with my position. Publically he would say horrible awful things about me because of my disagreement with his belief and position regarding the topic of the forum. Then I had the stroke and was gone a while when I got back he would ridicule me and say I never had a stoke I was trying to gain sympathy. I had come face to face with an internet stalker who lived to call me a liar and that I was a faker and had muncnhausen. I quit the forum totally withdrew so as to keep my saninty Logical thing. Well I heard through the grapevine he had found God and was a different person. Not so. He is worse than ever and I cannot believe I was ever so nice as to put myself in this position for all that ugliness to start over. There is nothing in the world more difficult than waking up to try to survive a near fatal stroke To have to do it with that tvpe ugliness is not possible. IE Someone telling you its all in your heard. Your faking etc Well I hate to admit it because I see this as somehow my failure. I know stay away dont go back It is so hard not to defend yourself when you are being slandered and lied about and falsely accused . What to do I cannot allow that level of depression to swallow me whole once again. What is more important defending my reputation or choosing to walk away to save myself from that toxic negativity.? I am feeling Alone and discouraged Not undertanding why evil like that is allowed in the world. Karen
  6. PLEASE at least let the Doctors decide if this was a stroke or TIA or what. Do not trust your own opinion. When I had the stroke that required flight for life I never lost conciousness But my heartbeat was nearly undetectable. Please do not mess with this Karen
  7. My sons are Bikers Theyhave a couple tats each and some really strange piercing of thier ears. They get looked at Whats hhilarious is they are both pussycats. HA
  8. That was really rude of them. Rudeness is never acceptable. They say you need to teach people how to treat you. I have not one positive suggestion. Horses patooies all. Karen
  9. kwaltke

    stroke tat

    Wow that is really quite a tat.. My son has offered to do one for me. He does beautiful work. I am not sure yet. I want the stroke symbol if I do. The ankle of course. But I am not sure Its a huge decision ...... Yours is great on you. Karen
  10. One day if I keep plugging along ...... I honestly try.
  11. I am counting on Love can aid in healing. You are loved and we are all sending our love to you so you can feel better and be back with us soon. Dont let them send you home if you are not well enough. Thanks to our Jan for her wonderful thoughts today. Love Karen
  12. Glad to hear from you once again. I had wondered where you went and thought of you often. Karen
  13. kwaltke

    Hey, There!

    I have a truce with acceptance of where I am at while I work towards more. I am not there yet. But I do know that is okay. I am a rather good person and I make a loyal and trusted friend. After that really the rest is window dressing. I do really really like me. Karen
  14. Prayers are going up I wish there was more we could do. Forward all our gratitude love and respect to Steve if you know how and let him Know we care so much more than word could ever express Love Karen
  15. I must NEED encouragement every day. I come here and soon whatever cloud that was forming over my head dissipates and the sun comes shining through. I am already trying to bribe my grandaughter out of her laptop for when we go to Vegas. I dont want to be without my friends here at StrokeNet. This was really the first place where I felt hope and totally came to the realization that it was ok to take a medication if it helped me feel open to the possibiity that life is still pretty great even if I have a few issues to work towards. Those are now goals I have already reached one of the most important ones. I am worthy of love and caring and support and I did not suddenly become intentionally slow . This was done to me anc in my case it was medical error that caused the bleeds into the brain and strokes and it is what is... is. I can work diligently to regrain what is possible or I can not even try, the choice is all mine I did survive a traumatic brain injury. The only one that can relearn what is gone is me . Like it or not that is going to take alot of work. At the beginning of my day I need encouragement. During my day I still need care understanding and deserve respect. At the end of the day any progress I make is because I chose to not surrender my progress to self pity. Is it slow yes but I believe I have made progress. We are all here to share our jouneys Life is good this was granted a detour I would not have chosen, but its one I am taking and will make the very most of it. This group of survivors are absolutely behind me all the way. I am behind each one of you as well. Hugs and Thanks Love Karen
  16. Oh this looks wonderful My husband is a genius I am sure once I show him He will have the concept and we shall be enjoying our Tomatoes and Herbs in short order Thanks for sending that in. Should I even confess I was thinking you put the plant in the dirt upside down. But then I have had a stroke :yukyukyuk:
  17. Tomatoes and Basil upside down Please if you can explain I want tomatoes so bad and I use alot of basil. This sounds like my kind of gardening if I understood what you mean plant it upside down???!!
  18. I will stay tuned in case. I have even thought to start a blog of my own since I cannot figure out to save my soul what to do about java so I can chat. I am sure you will have some nugget soon or comments to leave for others. Thanks for all your blogs so far. They do encouage us to keep on keepin on. Karen
  19. Wow count your many Blessings and name them one by one .... You do have a blessed life and in relecting on that you have somehow managed to help me refocus on what is really important. Thanks Karen
  20. Jan as one who writes poetry I can see the love you have for your mom. The good news is this you will be reunited in heaven where No cancer or stroke can prevail. Hugs to you Keep beliveing in miracles and SOAR! Love Karen
  21. Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Happy Birthday..... Happy Birthday to you. ....And many More!! Karen :happydance: :bouncing_off_wall: :Clap-Hands: :cheer: :congrats: :happybday:
  22. kwaltke

    Back To "Normal"

    I am a little concerned about that as my Ms. Liberty Libby Lou has coughed a few times here. In denver Our vet recommends 6 on and 6 off the Hearworm chewies. Unfortunately its been a very very mild winter here this year. :yikes: I have two Shih Tzu and the other one I discontinued everything but Rabies as he is getting very old. 16 years and that is ancient by Shih Tzu standards. Glad to hear everything checked out ok. Karen
  23. :happydance: :Clap-Hands: :You-Rock: I wish I could do 10% of what you have managed to accomplsh.. Think of it I am a 2 year survivor and I really need my scootie and cane. I am trying to use the scootie less and less but that aggravates the central pain. You are an inspiration! Karen
  24. When my Dad was alive he was a Greeter at Walmart He loved people and could not ever adjust to retirement. When he retired from the ministry he continued to do hospital visitation anything the could volunteer to do. You and my Dad would have been quite fond of each other. I know I am my Dads Daughter.
  25. That is fantastic Wesley. I am so happy for you and Deb both. Bill and I have been married .... lets see ummmm It will be 40 years on June the 15th. We are taking our first vacation other than when we went to a few countries when Bill was stationed in Italy in the service. Nothing exotic in our future plans. We are taking a week to go to Las Vegas to go to one of our sons time shares with him and his wife. I think they are going to try to talk us into getting a time share too. If so not in Vegas. I cant see me in Vegas. This is going to be like Alice in wonderland. Have a great trip. :pokerface: