
Stroke Survivor - female
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Everything posted by kwaltke

  1. Leah do check in with us from time to time. That way we know we will hear from you. :hug:
  2. Id like to share with you that my Dad was a Pastor. He always had things in the Bulletin and also on the Church Sign out front. Dad would have loved these. Also The front pew was never empty. That is where I sat. Where he could keep and eye on me HA! Then as I got a little older I was the church organist and pianist Chior Director chief cook and Banquet organizer...... ;)w Good thing I majored in music. Those days are gone now. I can still sing althoug I wont cause that requires being up front. No way can I pay the piano etc anymore. Karen
  3. Ug... I have been there So tomorrow it is
  4. Congratulations There is nothing more special than watching our sons or daughters become parents. I am going to try something new... Our Grandaughter is making us great grand parents around June 8th. They say its a girl and her name will be Madison Marie..... Karen
  5. Katrina I cannot even write my own name anymore I was a straight A student. Poof gone with the bleeds into the brain from the central line. You are doing the very best you can. Bless your heart. We are all very Proud for you and of you. Karen
  6. kwaltke

    The Real

    I join you and Stessie in recocnizing Jans first walk on pavement in five years. That really took a warriors courage You Both are amazing!! Actually we are all pretty amaziing to have survived and reclaimed our lives! Karen
  7. You know your stroke and mine had similarities, My first step without a cane was to keep a dog from knocking over Kaylee. Even if its only a few steps I try to take those few steps each week with my Back ups handl holding mine. With God all things are possible. I have a story to tell you about ramps sometime HA
  8. I have that problem with the taste buds. Did my metabolism even realize I dont eat near what I used to.... No Of course I used to be active. Woe is us who have the metabolism of a slug! If only I could ride that bike ever again.
  9. I does feel like spring is springing. We have had some record temps for our area I cannot wait for summer and the boat. I want to feel the wind in my hair . Some things are worth the wait Karen
  10. kwaltke

    All is Well

    It sounds like your life is coming together more and more all the time :happydance: :You-Rock: Karen
  11. I cant tell you how many times I have fallen. Bill has no choice if he is to work he has to leave me. I really do ok then in a weeks time I have 4-5 booboos I have even rolled my own scootie. So go forwad knowing that you can do everything right and it happens. Hugs Karen
  12. Can you believe that we have hardly had snow this year. They have had good snow in the Mountains though. We did not make it to Church either Our son and DIL Hot water tank went out so We went to rescue them. I am like you Jan I need to be church or it starts the week out oddly. I am also like you in that I feel we can praise and worship without a buildng. But I look forward to church each week. Hugs Karen
  13. kwaltke

    black cloud again

    Hang In there, remember always the Lord is not finished Blessing you yet. I will add my prayers for you and your family to the rest Hugs Karen
  14. kwaltke


    This is way cool. We all know how thrilling it is to make a goal Totally awesome.
  15. Welcome to your place to feel comfort, support and peace. All of us know the feeling of its not fair. No but it is real. I look forward to each day now. I am a two year survivor and I have come a very long way a minute at a time. I have deficits but I also have a 2nd chance at life, A stroke is not something you can just get over, I have heard that from my family and I told them that is just silly and look how far I have come and it was not done feeling sorry or wondering why me but through darn hard work and never giving up Just get over it..... I think they need some help coming to grips with what happened. Hugs to you. Great idea on the shelter doggie.
  16. WOW!! Nice time to be so close to the Main Event. Your mind had to wonder what if... what it would of been like to be there pedals pumping You have come so far and your success in getting there and witnessing your passion in action was no less an achievement for you than theirs is for them. You let nothing stand in your way of being there. WOW!! I know how your going to hate this but I am willing to take the risk... Wow you made it!!!! Film has immortilized it. You were there That too is an achievement that few can approciate but those of us who have not allowed our lives to be stripped of the things we love. Not if there is even a chance of trying and tryin again can help relearn . I know I have limitations and many things I may never do again, I remember falling whiile tryin to get to my walker and resigning myself to life in a scooter Afraid to fall again When summer comes to the Rockies I will find a way to get to the boat and get in I will get on the ATV when no one is looking and I will use my cane to clutch and away I will go and everyone will yell and scream how I cant be trusted and dont I realize I could have been killed. But I will be living life to the very fullest and I will dare to take whatever risk I must to make whatever dream I have my reality. You RODE your bike again and that took no less effort than they gave. You are asurvivor. Like Lance !! My guess is it takes one to know one **wink wink** Way cool.
  17. You and Wes would be like my family in many ways. Not exact but in 1990 my brother had a Stroke in 93 another several heart attack as well He is an on the pump as he is a diabetick that is seldom in control. In in 94 it was my dad, a brain stem stroke that was fatal in a few days. In 96 it was my mom, a hemmoragic stroke fatal in 8 days. My husband was on New years eve 1996. Maignant hypertension stooke followed be several TIAs Then we nad a reprieve.till 07 Mine was not even to happen caused by a medical procedure. I am living proof that my brother and I are really Tuff and we are survivors
  18. Wes what I admire so much in you and all the other survivors is you never give up Thanks to you I have reset some goals If you can ride a bike I can work on crosstitch If I succed Id like to send it to you, I love x stitcning so much Its something I had never even been tempted to try,...... You rode your Bike I at least need to work at x stich not just give up as not possible. Yes everyone inspires me But you really got me when I saw you on your bike You make me dare to believe.....
  19. You asked me to pray for you and I did .. I asked the Lord to show you the beauty we all see in you and that you would not allow your esteem to all rest on some sytem of grading but rather on all your achievements and livin up to your potential. You get an A+ from me for even aspiring to do a fraction of what you do. Hugs Karen
  20. No matter how hard I try gravity takes over at least once a month or so... I am so thankful you were not hurt. Karen
  21. kwaltke

    What to Do??

    Twisted but I like it!! Karen
  22. kwaltke

    I am engaged

    That was the sweetest...... WOW and congratulations!! Karen
  23. kwaltke


    I cant help but comment once again WOW!! Look at you GO!!!!!! This is more than a Milestone .... This leaves me speechless. :happydance:
  24. sillybunnie I wish I had some magic dust to sprinkle over all of us, I dont. I am a two year survivor and I want you to know that you have come to right place. No one can possibly understand like we and our life partners and care givers do. When I came here I was grateful to be alive yet there was something missing when it seemed no one understood. Now that I have found survivors like myself I am complete because I know I am not alone and there are those here that understand how I have come so far since I found strokenet, because like me they have traveled this road themselves. They keep me laughing most of the time. You will find true friends here, not necessarily sympathy (who wants any one feeling sorry for them anyway) What you fill find is empathy and that makes life so worth living. I am willing to promise you that if you stay with us and share our journey and allow us to share yours ..... you will soon be a part of a whole once again. Hugs to you Karen
  25. Allen the number of poeple you have reached and inspired is like the grains of sand on a beach. You may not know it, but each life you have touched does. Thank you for all you do to keep us going each in our own way. Karen :friends: