Fear of having another stroke

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The truth is I don't even know when heart is going out of rhythm. But every time I go to the doctor, she know it's out of rhythm. I've been always cognizant of my heart, the extra beats, the twinges I used to feel. But now, I don't know my heart beats out of snych. I guess as I get older (I'm only 53, but I don't look a day over 52) comes the heart problems. My hope is that your pharmacist comes up with a suitable alternative. There a whole class of drugs known as calcium-channel blockers. My suggestion to you is when you read this call your doctor. Only he or she knows your history. That should fix you right up! Or you could ask your doctor about a procedure called Cardiovert or Cardioversion.



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No one likes to think about it but its a reality but i read somewhere that the longer you survive without another the less chance you will gets dramatic if you make it past 5 years I have not managed that yet I am about at a near now Karen

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The most assurance I have received is on this board. When I hear people like Lenny, MC, Fred and others talk about their lengthy recovery it gives me hope for my spouse. As others have stated on this board, the therapists and doctors don't always give you much hope. One of Larry's doctor's in rehab told me point blank "he could have another stroke next year" and walked away. His bedside manner was terrible. I thought "thanks for the words of encouragement". The one thing about our survivors is that they are seeing doctors and taking medications and doing things to prevent another stroke.



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All I can say it should not be at the top of your list. If youworry about it it will consume you I have been 7 years and I used to think about all the time nobody wants more. it wasn't neat as I heard one say.



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Hi Linda,


I had two strokes but they were years apart. My first stroke was 12-10-06 and my second one was 09-20-10 due to an Aneurysm surgery. I'm parallelized form the waist down. I get around bye way of an electric chair.




Bruce Schwentker

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Hi Linda, I understand you worrying but if you know what caused the first stroke and you have made the necessary changes, lifestyle, diet etc. then there is nothing more you can do and worrying will not help you though it could harm you. My motto is Worry is a down payment on a debt you might not owe. That does not mean I don`t worry but I try to keep the worrying at a minimum. All the best to you.



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I had two strokes one in 2006 it effected my right side. The second one I had in Sept. 20, 2010. I had an operation on my Aorta and it caused me to become parlayed form the waist down. I am doing pretty good now. My wife takes good of me! I would be lost without her!! We've been married for 36 years.



Bruce Schwentker

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frankie, you shouldn"t worry about having a stroke just eat rigt get lots of rest and please don"t stress over this as stress will cause you to have a stroke what i would do is i will try to find out from your doctor what caused you to have a stroke and then get on the medication that would help you from having a second stroke sop watch your diet eat well no stress so stop worring about the stroke get los of rest and checke with your doctor and remember this when you had a stroke and you become a stroke surviver and you madfe it god has a purpose for you to do so don"t stress about it or stress will drive you to have a stroke

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My first stroke was the day after Christmas, 2010. My 2nd stroke was April 18, 2011, almost 4 months after the first one. It happens. The second one was so mild, I wasn't even admitted to the hospital, and I still got my driving priveledges back last Wednesday.


If it's going to happen, it's going to happen. I decided, when the doctor told me that my condition meant I would have other strokes at some point, that I wasn not going to let that kill me prematurely, meaning I was going to live my life, day to day, as fully as possible and not let fear make me a "walking dead woman," too scared to fully participate in life, let alone live it.


That is what I have done and what I will continue to do. Will I have a third stroke? Maybe. If it happens, will it be worse than even the first stroke was? Maybe. But maybe not.


I like what Marie Claire says, "fear is a payment on a debt we might not owe."


I rather pay my debt when I incure them, not pay into one and not be able to get that payment back when I find out it was not my debt.


Live fully: laugh loudly, cry honestly, sleep deeply, eat hartily and love unconditionally. Life is too precious to kill it with worry.



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Hi Linda! My granddaughter, Tootie, had 2 strokes when she was 10 months old and had another one 3 weeks later. Tootie is now 7 years post-stroke.


The thought of Tootie having another stroke is always in the back of my mind; however, I do not let stroke steal my happiness.


Tootie does Hippotherapy, Adaptive Aquatics, Upward Cheerleading and Basketball, Gymnastics, Bowling, and Ballet. We celebrate every accomplishment, no matter how small!


When she was in the hospital, we dedicated her to the Lord. I am secure in the knowledge that God saved her for a reason :cloud9:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have thought about this too, and I also had a PFO (which is what Lenny seems to have had) that was corrected because they thought that was the main reason for it. Regardless, I know so much more about prevention than I did before my stroke, and feel fairly confident with my health regimen and the doc's checking me out now and again, that I am determined to not worry about it. That will only raise my BP, and as you know, that is not good for stroke prevention.

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This is my first post. I had a stroke to the right thalamus 5 weeks ago.

I live in the Netherlands but originally from NYC. I live alone and try not to be afraid of another stroke.


I wonder about the meds I was given

Simvastine 40mg

Diovan 160

Ascal cardio 100

Persantin ninny 200


one day I feel okay, the next I might have a tingling sensation (like today) in my head. Kind of like pin pricks.

I am tired, and scared, my blood pressure went down from 180 over 60 to 140 over 60 this week, which made me happy.


I wonder if some of the feelings are from the healing process, the medication or I am having signs of another stroke.


My left side was tingling and numb after the stroke, my balance is off but I am walking. My speech is fine.

I feel that the doctors dismiss when i ask questions,, "every thing you feel is from the stroke,, give it time.."

I walk to the store, buy my groceries, make dinner, take walks,, and rest but I don't sleep well.

Mid mornings are rough and by late afternoon and evening I usually feel better.


Has anyone else experienced the tingling (for lack of a better description) on the scalp after a stroke. maybe slight throb in the temple.


I have had this feeling in the past before the stroke, ocassionally under stress, ie:driving a car and having to hit the breaks fast in traffic. I just don't know what is normal and what I should be concerned about.

It's not a throbbing or a severe headache but it's not comfortable, and as I write my right temple is kind of hurting a little.


Sometimes I want to run to the emergency room, I did when I woke up and had tingling and numbness down my left side April 10 2011. I mostly go watch a movie or take a walk and talk myself down,,, I do wonder if it is the meds.


Any comments are welcome.

Sorry I go on so long.

Kind wishes


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I noticed on this forum no one talks about the fear of having a second stroke. I had my stroke because of atrial fib and is still not well controlled but I'm on Coumadin to keep my blood thin. When I discovered my stroke, the CT scan showed I had to previous small ones, I did not even know of. I worry a lot. What are others thoughts on this? I tried to be positive but the thought does haunt me. I know people on this forum have had multiple strokes, I would like to hear their stories and the time lapse between. Is there a time frame when you start feeling a little more secure?


Hugs, Linda



We mitigate our risk factors as best we can and live our lives. There is nothing to be gained by worrying about a repeat stroke. I think about it once in a while, mostly just about what I need to do to be prepared.

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  • 1 month later...

I have had 5 strokes thus far. They are due to vvasculopathy (thinning and scaring of the blood vessels) resulting from radiation therapy I had to treat a brain tumor I had over 25 years ago. Diabetes and high cholesterol were agrivating factors. My strokes have gotten progressively worse and have put me in a wheelchair now and barely able to speak. I understand that you are worried about having another stroke. I am very worried too. I am doing everything my doctors tell me, to the point. I am still worried. I have come to the realization though that I cannot control everything. I have to let go. Things are different now but I am alive! I am doing what I'm supposed to do and I hope that is enough. If not then what more can I do? I'm only human. We can't control what happens to us, only how we respond to our circumstances. Make the best of now and whatever happens tomorrow happens. you'll deal with it if/when it happens.smile.gif

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We can't control what happens to us, only how we respond to our circumstances. Make the best of now and whatever happens tomorrow happens. you'll deal with it if/when it happens.smile.gif



Bravo and well saidI-Agree.gif

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This is my first post. I had a stroke to the right thalamus 5 weeks ago.

I live in the Netherlands but originally from NYC. I live alone and try not to be afraid of another stroke.


I wonder about the meds I was given

Simvastine 40mg

Diovan 160

Ascal cardio 100

Persantin ninny 200


one day I feel okay, the next I might have a tingling sensation (like today) in my head. Kind of like pin pricks.

I am tired, and scared, my blood pressure went down from 180 over 60 to 140 over 60 this week, which made me happy.


I wonder if some of the feelings are from the healing process, the medication or I am having signs of another stroke.


My left side was tingling and numb after the stroke, my balance is off but I am walking. My speech is fine.

I feel that the doctors dismiss when i ask questions,, "every thing you feel is from the stroke,, give it time.."

I walk to the store, buy my groceries, make dinner, take walks,, and rest but I don't sleep well.

Mid mornings are rough and by late afternoon and evening I usually feel better.


Has anyone else experienced the tingling (for lack of a better description) on the scalp after a stroke. maybe slight throb in the temple.


I have had this feeling in the past before the stroke, ocassionally under stress, ie:driving a car and having to hit the breaks fast in traffic. I just don't know what is normal and what I should be concerned about.

It's not a throbbing or a severe headache but it's not comfortable, and as I write my right temple is kind of hurting a little.


Sometimes I want to run to the emergency room, I did when I woke up and had tingling and numbness down my left side April 10 2011. I mostly go watch a movie or take a walk and talk myself down,,, I do wonder if it is the meds.


Any comments are welcome.

Sorry I go on so long.

Kind wishes



I too had the tngling after for awile. It does go away with time. It seems like doctors dismiss alot as being part of the stroke, but it really does a number on your sstem. All kinds of things happen. If you think about it, it kind of makes sense. Your braincontrols everything, so when it goes haywire, everything goes haywire. It's true, give it time. That's the only thing that helps.


Also, trust yourself. You'll know if something is truly wrong. I knew something was wrong when I had my first stroke. I tried to explain it away, but I knew, deep down. Remember, time does help. Give yourself a break. Your world has been turned upside down. It takes tme to adjust.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I noticed on this forum no one talks about the fear of having a second stroke. I had my stroke because of atrial fib and is still not well controlled but I'm on Coumadin to keep my blood thin. When I discovered my stroke, the CT scan showed I had to previous small ones, I did not even know of. I worry a lot. What are others thoughts on this? I tried to be positive but the thought does haunt me. I know people on this forum have had multiple strokes, I would like to hear their stories and the time lapse between. Is there a time frame when you start feeling a little more secure?


Hugs, Linda



Hi Linda,

My name is Dawn. I had my stroke on Mar. 28, 11. You are not alone feeling like a second stroke is around the corner. When I first came home from the hospital I hated just the thought of sleeping in my own bed. I had my stroke during my sleep. When I work up the next morning I had left side paralizes, slight facial sloping, and speech slurriness. I say a lot prayers and put it into God's hands. I have begun to change my diet and have started back on a exercise program of sorts. I have relazied what stresses me out and try my best to stay away from them. I guess for me it comes down to just trying to live my "new" life the best I can and try not to dwell on what could happen. Take life one day at a time. I have been told things get better with time. I truly believe it.


Still smiling,


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This is my first post. I had a stroke to the right thalamus 5 weeks ago.

I live in the Netherlands but originally from NYC. I live alone and try not to be afraid of another stroke.


I wonder about the meds I was given

Simvastine 40mg

Diovan 160

Ascal cardio 100

Persantin ninny 200


one day I feel okay, the next I might have a tingling sensation (like today) in my head. Kind of like pin pricks.

I am tired, and scared, my blood pressure went down from 180 over 60 to 140 over 60 this week, which made me happy.


I wonder if some of the feelings are from the healing process, the medication or I am having signs of another stroke.


My left side was tingling and numb after the stroke, my balance is off but I am walking. My speech is fine.

I feel that the doctors dismiss when i ask questions,, "every thing you feel is from the stroke,, give it time.."

I walk to the store, buy my groceries, make dinner, take walks,, and rest but I don't sleep well.

Mid mornings are rough and by late afternoon and evening I usually feel better.


Has anyone else experienced the tingling (for lack of a better description) on the scalp after a stroke. maybe slight throb in the temple.


I have had this feeling in the past before the stroke, ocassionally under stress, ie:driving a car and having to hit the breaks fast in traffic. I just don't know what is normal and what I should be concerned about.

It's not a throbbing or a severe headache but it's not comfortable, and as I write my right temple is kind of hurting a little.


Sometimes I want to run to the emergency room, I did when I woke up and had tingling and numbness down my left side April 10 2011. I mostly go watch a movie or take a walk and talk myself down,,, I do wonder if it is the meds.


Any comments are welcome.

Sorry I go on so long.

Kind wishes



I too had the tngling after for awile. It does go away with time. It seems like doctors dismiss alot as being part of the stroke, but it really does a number on your sstem. All kinds of things happen. If you think about it, it kind of makes sense. Your braincontrols everything, so when it goes haywire, everything goes haywire. It's true, give it time. That's the only thing that helps.


Also, trust yourself. You'll know if something is truly wrong. I knew something was wrong when I had my first stroke. I tried to explain it away, but I knew, deep down. Remember, time does help. Give yourself a break. Your world has been turned upside down. It takes tme to adjust.



Before my stroke I suffered from bad headaches several times a week. I chalked up to stress of the job and things. When I had my stroke it was the worst pain in the head that I ever had. I still thought it was just a bad headache. I have been concern about the headaches after the stroke. I asked my physical therapist and she told me to imagine the worst headache you ever had and times that by 100 percent then go straight to the ER. I also looked up the stroke warning signs. I do not have them memorized yet but if I feel like something may be wrong I defintely will ask someone about my face, hands, speech and other things. Take it easy. Taking time is the best medicine.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Having just passed my 1 month date (I refuse to use anniversary as I will not be celebrating the day) of my first stroke at 44, the thought of possibly having a second one is on my mind constantly. My Neuro Doctor whom I have been seeing for years now (I have Epilepsy to join the party in my brain) was honest enough to say it is a possibility but not something he is expecting to happen. I have trusted this man with my healthcare for many years now and he never has lied to me before so I hope he has not begun now. He is the first to admit that he is not God and that there is no one on the face of this earth who can tell you every single thing there is about the brain. It is one of those mysteries that probably will never be solved!


So I am just hanging in there, following his directions and advice to the letter and hoping this was just a one-time event that my brain felt, for whatever reason, it needed to experience. And now that it has it is out of it's system and realized it was no fun and not worth the hassle. Kinda like that time your belly convinced you it could handle all that booze that one night and it quickly learned it was wrong when it had to get rid of it!

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I am 7 years post stroke and was 41 years old when it happened. Like most everyone it was TOTALLY unexpected. I have heard the rumors about how a second stroke is imminent, especially with women, but I absolutely will not buy into it. Regardless of how or why it allegedly happened at such a young age, it does NOT have to happen again and there are many things we can do to curtail the possibility.


Keep your head up if you are young and stroked, because I am living proof that you CAN remain healthy and possibly even get more healthy afterwards. A stroke at a young age is NOT a death sentence.pash.gif

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three of my doctors have told me it is very unlikely i will have another stroke.at least until i am elderly. so i do not worry about it and instead worry more about the likelihood other family members will be as unfortunate. the geneticist i saw said it was a possibility. nobody i have seen has given me a straight answer as to why i had a stroke.

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Just listened to the iHope presentation on depression from the NSA today. The doctor speaking answered a question on worry about a second stroke. His response was that 5% have second strokes, so instead of worrying the person should look at the 95% rate instead.


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Hi linda, i recently became a stroke patient myself, and like you also had one i didnt know of, i am very fortunate to have very minimal damage resulting from my strokes. when i was first diagnosed last month, i spent my days and nights in fear of having another one, which the drs tell me is probable, i am on a lot of medication to prevent further strokes, and have taken steps to change my lifestyle, as for the fear, ive decided to NOT let it consume me, i will instead live every day to the fullest, and count my blessings! to me every day is a gift from god, time to spend with my daughters, and grandchildren, and not to let fear control my every move- so far this has worked for me, and also reduced my stress level, i hope you can give it a try as well, good luck to you!

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I dont know in my case as I am a survivor of 4 strokes and a TIA that I will ever not have that fear I think though I am more concerned about the aneurisms I would be dead before I hit the floor. That is ok as long as I dont suffer Karen

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  • 2 weeks later...

After my stroke in December of 03, I constantly worried I'd have another. Yet, I have not and it's been nearly 8 years. I think a lot has to do with the alleged cause of the stroke, which in my case was a head injury in a car accident. Still though, doctors tell you it can happen again simply because it's happened once before. I wish people in general would realize this is something that can happen to anyone at any given time. Perhaps then they would stop trying to place blame and look for reasons why it can't happen to them.

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