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With everything that's going on everywhere, would everyone mind posting here...


When people are checking the site but not commenting, I miss them and worry if they are ok.


Even an "I'm ok" is fine...



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Michigan Wil is OK!  Thank you for asking. GreenQueen I have been wanting to tell you something about riding that recumbent bike. I never and I mean never ride that thing in the morning and even mid day is rare. I usually am not mentally or physically ready to do that until later in the afternoon or very early evening.  

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Blogs seems to be the  most active part of the site at the moment and Janelle is a familiar face there so those are the people who will reply to this post. At the moment people are not coming onto the site in great numbers, maybe because the weather is calling them outdoors, so replies will be few. The community grows in numbers but a lot of people just read rather than respond to the posts. A pity really as by replying they become part of the community.

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Checked the number in the last 24 hours only 14 people came to the site. Some were long time members who USED to post a lot, others I don't recall posting. So tell your friends about the site and encourage them to post here. It would be sad if Strokenet was just another victim of the Covid pandemic.

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Here I am!  SueC from Vancouver Canada.  I am on the live stroke survivor chat most days.  As I am quite antisocial, Covid has not affected me as much as others.

My husband does all the shopping, safer not to have both of us out there in the shops!

Thank you GreenQueen for checking on everyone.  And thank you for all your thoughtful comments.

I don't think I would be anywhere near where I am in healing, had it not been for this group!

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Will2 glad you are okay. Stay with us, keep reading but comment when you think you have something to say on the subject. This gives the poster the benefit of your experience and your wisdom and makes the site one of value to those who have had a stroke and their caregivers.

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Willis thanks for the bike riding tip.  I never feel like riding in the morning so it quite often falls by the wayside. 


I have a nana nap or rest time during the afternoon. Will give it a go both before and after and see what works best.


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swilkinson and janelle, thank you for your kind thoughts. In retrospect, looking back on some of my more long-winded posts and I felt a need to side step and defer to those with more experience and relevant knowledge. It just seemed to be the more prudent path in my estimation. It never stopped me from reading and praying for those who I felt could benefit, even if they weren't aware I would intercede on their behalf privately, I care. I've always remained in PM contact with my good friend Willis and have on occasion expressed to him my need to just be silent and listen more, all the while caring from a distance. I must admit also, I'm not a chat room suited person.


I'd tell you all that you have my greatest respect and admiration, your more than just invisible friends in cyberspace, we share and have a greater understanding about each others trials and difficulties, and also the joys of accomplishment and achievements. You get it...and thats special, a special bond that will always keep me coming back.

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1 hour ago, will2 said:

 You get it...and thats special, a special bond that will always keep me coming back.




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All is well at my abode.  Just seems like so much going on in the rest of my world that I just skim. the posts here and then move on.  And that is not good for. me or. for this site.  I'll do better and thanks for the reminder.  James

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I'm OK. I love to read what others do for I'm a very boring person. Even before this, but after my stroke, I'm not fond of people. I read, when my brain allows it and binge watches British TV.  I talk to my cats lol

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17 hours ago, heathber said:

That is a blissed out cat. But rub his tummy only if you're quick. Why do cats offer up that sort of temptation, they know we can't resist. Or is that the point 🙂

Heather, yea he's more than familiar with that trick. I made this "meme" of him in the past reflecting this diabolical trap!



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James so lovely to hear from you.


Will2 what a glorious puss puss!


Kelli, snap!! British cop shows are my favourite thing to watch!! Kindred spirits, girlfriend!



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On 10/7/2020 at 1:10 AM, GreenQueen said:


Kelli, snap!! British cop shows are my favourite thing to watch!! Kindred spirits, girlfriend!



for sure!!!!!!

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hello all, i am still here.....I rode my recumbent trike around our new neighborhood now that it cooled down some and the construction has abated.Enjoyed lapping the cul-de-sacs.But ; my bad leg was super tired for the next 3 days.Still I look forward to my next cruise around.There are a few hills to deal with also,

but I like the challenge.

I am using fsm, with micro voltage applied steadily on my arm and hand. It does relieve any pain, and helps with spasticity for awhile but not brought the hand back yet, supposed to take 6 weeks,I am in my first.

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