stem cells


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A lot of new studies have been done and continue to be done with stem cells,Most of the newer ones have success using Mesenchymal atrologous cells, from ones own bone marrow.

These cells can differentiate into any cell needed, including neurons and other brain cells.My source for this info is the National institute of Health site for clinical studies and papers.I also read in Narure, and JAMA.This stuff is pretty hard for a non -medically trained person, but I could get through it by looking up the terms I did not understand.

I found much positive news on orthopedic uses, localized knee, neck, back,shoulder treatments.The growth of new cartilage, was incredible to see, and studies on other illnesses and disabilities like spinal injuries are truly amazing.This is the future of modern medicine by all accounts.however studies on stroke survivors who improved after years of hemiparesis and other disabling post stroke  effects are harder to find.
This is because they are not FDA approved, but they are out there.  A few famous studies like the Pisces study, and those others  done at Stanford and Duke universities are truly great news.

They had people  as much ten years post stroke recover their ability to walk, use the affected arm, and more.Very encouraging, but finding a clinic is the challenge.

Thailand is one spot for a clinic, in Bangkok.Germany has another in Munich. These are truly beyond reach of most people with prices of 35- 40,000$US.Plus you have to get there.

Here in my area near Atlanta there are orthopedic stem cell clinics, some run by Chiropractors who use the title Dr. to confuse the potential clients.

But dig deeper and there are others run by MDs of extensive experience and training.I foud two clinics here that do localized stem injections for orthopedic joint repair, and visited both.

I saw Medical doctors who took the time to explain what they do, and then told me they could not help me because different equipment was required that they did not currently have.

One  went further and said that the treatments in certain overseas clinics, and a few US based are proven and viable.He could not recommend them, only to say that one was in California and the other near Chicago.I found both and wrote them for detailed information.

I settled on the Chicago doctor, who were somewhat affordable for me and a short two hour flight away. They also provide concierge service, pickup at the airport and setup in a nice nearby Hotel. All my  questions were answered as I proceeded to investigate, and after much discussion with my wife, I sent them a deposit, my health records and MRI and such. 

They use the intranasal stem infusion, with local anesthesia, and take the stem cells from the hip bone marrow.The whole procedure is about two hours or so with some time waiting until your cells are processed.'


Intranasal ( is mentioned in several studies and well thought of for reaching the brain. A chemical treatment injected into the body makes the blood brain barrier more susceptible to passage of the cells,which seek out damage and through their proteins repair or replace as needed.Some speculation is thast the cells read the electrical signal from the damaged area and that is how they "perceive" what is needed. This from the book , The "Brain that changes itself" by NormanDoidge,MD. Also the "Body electric " by Robert Decker ,MD.

Two excellent books. ('Ive had success using micro current stimulation after reading them.)

So this getting long, but suffice to say I will travel to Chicago on Dec 28 and have the procedure on the 29th.    If you are a prayerful person, please add me to your prayers.

I will be getting hyperbaric treatment afterwards here at home area.These are prescribed for up to 30 days,A great holiday to you all and hoping for a fabulous New  Year!

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Good luck!  I hope that his is one of those huge leaps forward.


Let us know how it goes (the clinic) and please please please keep us updated after the procedure, so that we can follow your progress.


Holding thumbs that this returns you to a pre-stroke state!



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good luck. Please keep us apprised 🙂

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On 12/7/2020 at 10:10 AM, alansd said:

If you are a prayerful person, please add me to your prayers.

Of course, prayer already sent, and will continue. May God bless you with the best treatment and outcome..

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  • 2 weeks later...

appreciate the prayers , only 11 days until our flight.I had  a consult with my neuro surgeon, a stroke specialist and he was

pretty positive,mainly he said    " I see no harm in trying this, but dont  be overly optimistic"Being that this is not FDA aspproved, that was a good comment for me.But I remain optimistic that over a few weeks to months I will see benefit.New studies are popping up all the time, reinforcing the clinic's methods, Mesenchymal cells, intranasal application and use of manitol to help the blood brain barrier become more permeable.

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I'm so excited for you


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off to freezing Chicago in 3 days.  just saw a new study today that supports the treatment,       Perfect timimg.(LOL)

I am so ready to be able to move freely. Walked the mall twice this week/glad there  are couches along the route               

happy holiday all!

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3 hours ago, alansd said:

off to see the wizard,,, tomorrow.Excited

You're more than welcome for the prayer Alan, and will send more on the way. I'm excited for you and wish you the very best possible outcome. I'll definitely stay tuned for your post-op report. God bless!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went for the procedure,Picked up at Ohare airport by an escalade limo, driven to our hotel in Glen view.Had a meeting with the doctor later, he explained everything and answered all my questions which were many.

The next morning I went back to the clinic for the process. 1st they drew blood for use later.Then took marrow from my cerivical gird .

Then put in a port for intravenous and left to let us relax for an hour.

Next the doc came in and set up the drip for the stem cell intravenous  after the cells were processed and i had a dose of manitol to make the blood brain barrier(bbb) more permeable.

Then he asked if I had additional areas of local pain, besides the ones he noted in our prior session I said no, and he proceeded to give me local injections of cells in about 6 places.The worst was my hamstring which hurt!

next the intravenous continued to run while he shot cells up both nostrils into the terbinad? area behind the nose that can access the brain.

All done, ready to go after 90 minutes.

I was given a prescription for hyperbaric treatments to stimulate cell growth, which I had already arranged back home.The said to expect results to take 3 weeks to 3 months, I am in the 2nd week, so no news yet.Doing 3 hyperbaric hours a week, back with good news

(I hope, in a bit).Thanks for your continued prayers all.

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Wow Allen! I am so excited to hear your continuing progress in this area. Please keep us up to date and many blessings!

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Wow, Alan, quite an extensive procedure and follow up, I had no idea. I'll continue to add support prayer in your direction and check back on any progress and/or successes for you. Also, I never really looked carefully at your avatar and see you too are a guitar player. I added a post in Deigh's thread about my numbness, weakness and "wooden finger" issues that have ceased my playing after 43yrs. I mentioned that if you had any issues with numbness that this stem cell treatment may help with that. I would really be interested.


Anyway, God Bless and I'll be in continued prayer in your direction! 

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yes Will i was a player for 50+ years. Had success in recording with the band Atlanta on 

mca records in 1983-7.

I earned two RIAA certified gold albums and toured the US extensively fo 5 or 6 years.Miss playing a lot, spent the past 15 years playing and recording praise and worship music, travelled to the UK and  Israel twice to play there.I  now play right handed keyboards with a praise group.So I still have a music outlet, thankfully, but its not the same,here is a link to my 2017 gig at a local festival.


not the best audio..but it is ok.

thanks all for the patient follow up guy says its still too early for results,so I am being prayerful and patient,Happy NewYear all!

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Amazing Alan, I can't even imagine having accomplished all that you have. All I have from those years is nothing but the best of memories and friendships that have lasted all my life. I bet there are hours and hours of stories from your exposure to the endless hours of playing and gigging and people that you met along the journey.


I'm guessing that from your post that your playing guitar may have been interrupted by your stroke? No question in my case that I'd still be playing or at the very least still have a guitar or two too play when the mood strikes. It was almost second nature to have a guitar in hand and work out a tune or feeling, no real beginning or ending just feeling the guitar as an extension, a medium to let out my mood. There's hardly a day that goes by that I still have that gap, or a missing part of me. I will always have the best of memories, some of the best days of my life. I was fortunate enough to manage keeping a lot of photos of some of my best gear and a file folder marked "guitars" of receipts and correspondences of the many shops, luthiers, and guitar techs that I had the pleasure to know and work with along the way.


It's been almost 13yrs now post stroke for me and all my gear has been sold, well except for a vintage mid 60's Ampeg Gemini I that I was going to restore and bring back to life. Sadly it just gathers dust and I just can't bring myself to deal with it, as it's all I have physically left. 


What a gift playing a guitar was, I still hold hope and prayer that before my time has expired that some kind of miracle or divine intervention will bring feeling back into my arm and hand to once again play some day. It will be a joyous day indeed. And if the medical science doesn't provide that answer, or answered prayer, I'll always be eternally grateful for all the years of the best days, memories, and friends I've had the blessings to meet on the journey.


I wish and pray Alan that you continue your musical path, and that God blesses you always. Thank you for your inspiration and sharing a part of your life, it does the heart good..

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thanks my friend and fellow picker!  Yes I haven't played a guitar in over 3 years now.

I do dtill my 1960s fender amps, the stratocaster I bought at  a store in Atlanta where i met my wife of 35  years, and several other nice guitars.I obsessively watch guitar video on you tube, and play keyboard on a yamaha yc . Fun to be  musical if only in that way.

I also write for the day when I can start up again,hopefully in 21..














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