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Hi Susan Cm it has been a long time. I looked at your blog page and the last one was 2018! Not many of the members who you remember will be posting on here now but there are a bunch of Aussies here again. The person who will tell you when Steve died will probably be Kelli who does most of the monitoring here now. I am still blog moderator, gave up hosting chat some years back. I think of myself as a volunteer now as I have been a widow for nine years but can't leave the site and all the friends I have made here. Welcome back, hope you can make some new friends here.

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Thank you for getting back to me. Aside from COVID, much has been happening in my life so I haven't been on the site at all. (That's going to change.)


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  • 1 year later...

Welcome back to the club Susan, there is not a lot of activity going on at this moment but we all hope it will change. The chat forum is still going regularly and I get on to it most days


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We are often well down on numbers. A few years ago we could have as many as eight at one time, nowadays four is a big number and quite often I find myself on my own and have to talk to myself!


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/20/2023 at 5:34 AM, Deigh said:

We are often well down on numbers. A few years ago we could have as many as eight at one time, nowadays four is a big number and quite often I find myself on my own and have to talk to myself!


It's a worry when you reply to yourself Deigh!!


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Janelle, you could use it, three times a week it is open for business at midday here in NZ, thats about 2pm Australia.! Would love to see you on it.....


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FYI you can go in at any time you want and invite others.  It has no moderation.  


Steve I knew wanted a chat platform that was based inside of website.  He never got to that part.  Minnit the current chat forum is open 24/7/365

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